Chapter 7

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"It's an awesome feeling, you know? When you can make something that could help hundreds of people."

"Even when you do not receive a thank you?"

Tony Stark sat up on his couch in his workshop, holding his body up with his elbows, "If I did everything I did expecting a thank you each time, I'd be sorely disappointed. What about you?"

There was a man sitting on one of the tables, smiling like he had no care in the world as he absentmindedly patted Dum-E's head, "I do not care for thanks. That does not mean it is not nice to hear them, Anthony."

"I guess you'd get it more being a doctor from Asgard," The genius flapped a hand in the other's direction as he flopped back on the couch. "Hey, Percy, do you still take care of the flowers?"

Percy blinked in surprise at the sudden change in topic, "No, I do not."

"How come?"

"I have a task to complete and I cannot return to Asgard until Odin permits it."

"So, you were kicked out."

"If that is how you perceive it, my little scientist. Now, why don't you tell me your problems? That is why you've summoned me, is it not?"

Tony looked at the god, "To be honest, I didn't think the stone would still work." The Stark held up said stone, a red and gold marble object about the size of a fifty-cent coin that he had received on a particularly bad day at home when he was just seven years-old.

"Of course it will still work," Percy almost looked offended. "I did say that, should you ever need me, to simply twist it. Is this why you did not call me when you were in Afghanistan? Did you not believe that I would rescue you?"

The scientist shrugged, "I got out fine."

The god sighed and walked over, kneeling next to Tony by the couch. He gently ran a hand through the Stark's hair, "Anthony, I have known you since you were just a small child. You will always be important to me. I know you have nightmares and I am sorry that I could not prevent them."

"It's fine. They're not as bad as before. I got people helping me."

"Ah, yes, Miss Virginia Potts. Did you tell her that you still wake up screaming when she is away on business trips?"

"That's a low blow. Are you spying on me?"

"My scientist, fear is not a thing to be ashamed of. I, too, still receive nightmares from many battles fought on Asgard before I retired to assist my mother. Please, ask for help- if not from me then from your comrades."

"Comrades? You mean my friends?"

Percy gave a secretive smile, "Sure, those, too. Now, when was the last time you have eaten?"

Tony perked up, "You cooking?"

"That is why I asked."


"Come, child, before I decided not to cook anymore."

"Not a child but, yeah, I'm coming."


There was a small garden in Calcutta.

Bruce discovered it when he was walking around the area after assisting some of the sick there. It wasn't much, just a couple types of flowers in an area of the smallest bit of green. Bruce could take three strides next to it and reach the end in two. They were pretty though and he wondered how this part of Calcutta had green grass in the first place in an area like this.

"May I help you?"

The scientist turned at the voice to see a man with kind green eyes looking at him. He was probably around twenty-four, maybe older with the gaze he held. He wore a simple black shirt and loose khakis over worn brown boots. He had his hands in his pockets and his head tilted, like he was fascinated about Bruce.

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