Chapter 11

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"Damn," Tony said as he caught himself with his armor. "This is more difficult than I thought."

"I'll say."

The billionaire spun around to see Perseus standing on the street below him, the god staring up at Stark Tower with sad eyes, "You're- Dad!"

Perseus smiled, looking at him, "Hello, Anthony."

"What're you doing here? What if the others see you?"

"Loki is my Angasiiar. He is in pain, I must help him. I will fight with your Avengers and save your planet," The god said before he raised his hand, creating a spear out of water and impaling a Chitauri. The water then exploded outward, causing other aliens around him to careen into buildings and crash to the ground.

Tony smiled widely, "Good to have you aboard."


"Loki," Thor landed at Stark Tower, eyeing his brother as he let Mjolnir hang at his side. "Turn off the Tesseract or I'll destroy it!"

The god of mischief sighed and faced the blonde, "First Perseus and now you. You can't, there is no stopping it."

Thor's eyes widened in surprise and he tightened his grip on his hammer, "Perseus is here?"

"That is what Anthony said," Loki waved his hand dismissively. "You can't stop this, brother. There is only war." He aimed his spear at Thor, charging at the god.

Thor ducked under the spear, grabbing his brother and facing him towards the city below, "Look at this! Is this what you want?"

"It's too late," Loki shook his head, blue eyes widening as he looked at the god of thunder. "It's too late, you can't stop this."

"We can stop this," Thor said earnestly. "Together."

The god of mischief stared at his brother, his eyes searching, before he stabbed him in the abdomen with a small knife, "Sentiment..."

The blonde growled and grabbed his brother, slamming him on the ground, causing him to let go of his spear. Before he could grab him again, Loki rolled off the balcony and landed on a ship that flew by to catch him. He sighed and took out the knife, tossing it aside. "I will stop this," He vowed silently before calling Mjolnir to his hand.

"It seems your time on Midgard has changed you, my student."

Thor turned, his eyes widening when he saw his teacher and friend next to him, "Perseus, is it really you?"

"Thor, if you think you're suffering hallucinations after a stab from a tiny knife, we're going to have a serious talk."

"No, I am not. It has just- It's been so long... Odin had suggested that perhaps you have passed..."

Perseus smiled tightly, "Is that what he said? Nevermind that, we have to stop Loki. Let us go down to the Captain and see what he wishes for us to do." He held out his arm like he always did when Thor was about to fly somewhere so that he could go along with him.

"Aye," Thor nodded and grabbed the other, lowering them to the ground near Steve and blasting surrounding Chitauri with lightning. "Captain, we are here to assist."

"It's you..." Steve said when he saw Perseus, "You knew this would happen, this war..."

"I had my suspicions," The god nodded, lashing out his arm to hit an alien in the throat, downing it in an instant. "But, Captain, there is more at work here than just Loki and the Chitauri."

"Are you- You're the Voice," Natasha spoke, looking the man up and down. "And you're the man Clint met in New Mexico."

"I'm starting to think we've all met him," Bruce said as he walked up next to them after riding a beat up motorcycle to them, "Hi, Percy."

Perseus inclined his head, "Dr. Banner, you are looking well."

"Guys," Tony interrupted them, speaking through the coms. "Glad to see Banner's here. I'm bringing the party to you."

The Avengers watched as Iron Man came into view, a giant whale-like alien flying behind him, the creature crashing into some of the buildings as it tried to turn.

Natasha and Percy tilted their heads, "I don't see how that's a party."

Bruce raised an eyebrow before calmly walking towards the alien at a slow pace.

"Dr. Banner," Steve took a step forward. "Now might be a really good time for you to get angry."

The brunette gave a small smirk, "That's my secret, Cap. I'm always angry."

"Oh," Percy said before ducking behind a car as the Chitauri exploded under the Hulk's fist. "Oh, okay."

The Hulk turned towards the god, leaning down so they were face to face, "Flower Man help fight?"

Perseus beamed at the nickname, "Yes, I'm here to help!" He turned to Steve, "Captain, how should we deal with the Chitauri?"

Steve sighed as he thought for a moment before he gave orders to everyone, sending them off. "And you," He turned to Perseus. "Take care of Loki."

The god inclined his head, "As you say, Captain." His sea-green eyes gleamed in the sun, "Consider it done."


When the arrow exploded in his face, Loki didn't expect to see Perseus standing in front of him at Stark Tower. "Percy..."

Perseus looked down at him with sad eyes, "Loki... Why would you do this?"

The god of mischief picked himself up, "I will rule Midgard! I will make everyone kneel!"

The other walked forward and lifted his hand, caressing the side of Loki's face, "'I've always loved your green eyes... My Angasiiar, look how far you've fallen... All this destruction, all this chaos... It is not your doing, is it?"

"No," Loki's hand shook as he raised it to cover Percy's. "It- It's not- Perseus, I swear it's not me. I can't- I can't control myself. You- I can't be your Angasiiar! I can't be, not when I'm like this."

"Loki, do you remember what I said to you before about the Angasiiar?" Perseus lifted his other hand and light surrounded it. When it diminished, a beautiful golden flower laid in it, the petals twinkling in the sun. He laughed and it sounded both happy and sad, "Loki, I've been giving you courting gifts since we first met. How have you not noticed? The Blensiir, the stone... They've been telling you the same thing. Couldn't you hear it?"

Loki closed his eyes, trying to hold back his tears, "I hear it now, Percy... I hear it..." He opened his eyes, revealing the green they once were, "I love you, too..."

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