Chapter 2

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"Loki has been going out of the palace more often now," Frigga said as she gazed over all of Asgard from a balcony in their home.

"Is that so?" Odin didn't look up from where he was looking over old scrolls, searching for a way to further Thor's study in becoming king.

"It would do you well to care for him," She sniffed, turning to face her husband. "Loki is your son as well yet you continue to belittle him."

"He uses magic, Frigga," He said, finally looking up at her. "He does not practice the ways of a warrior like Thor."

"I taught him to use magic," The queen of Asgard said sharply, aiming a glare at her husband. "Does using magic mean I am not a warrior as well? Had I not fought alongside you years before? Does that mean nothing to you?"

"Of course it does," He rose, reaching a hand out towards his wife, who frowned at him. "It is just, Loki-"

"Is a male?" She raised an eyebrow, "Or it is because of his lineage? Whatever it may be, Odin, he is your son. We raised him and I will not stand aside and watch you continue to tell him everything he is doing is wrong."

"You are right, my love," Odin shook his head. "I have treated Loki unfairly all of these years. Tell me, what has he been doing? You mentioned him leaving the palace. For what?"

"Perhaps to live a life outside of these walls," She sighed sadly, turning her head to gaze across Asgard once more. "Some of our guards told me he has made a friend, someone who accepts him how he is," She didn't turn to her husband when she saw him flinch from the corner of her eye. "He is a warrior, if that pleases you."

"Truly?" He raised his eyebrows, "I have never known Loki to be drawn to warriors. You must tell me about him."

"Why? So you may place him in your guard?" She turned to face him once more, "He will not join. He will refuse you, king of Asgard or not. He is, as Midgardians say, a lover, not a fighter. Perhaps that is why Loki decided to befriend him. Our son has never cared for the battles you and Thor seem to enjoy fully. Or, maybe, perhaps it is because Loki's companion was actually interested in his magic and requested to see more. It could be a lot of things, my king, that had drawn Loki to this warrior. Tell me, which do you think it is?"

Odin watched as his wife left the room, the doors closing shut softly behind her, a thoughtful frown marring his face.



The god of mischief froze when he heard his father's voice, his mind racing as he thought of any reason Odin had of talking to him. "Yes, father?" He turned to face the king, schooling his features into a polite smile.

"I heard that you made a friend," Odin could see the moment his son tensed and had to suppress the urge to frown. He had done this to his son, caused him to feel that he could not even tell him of a friend he had made. "I expect to see him in four days to dine with us. It is important for me to meet my son's friends so that I may welcome them."

Loki could only gape after his father left, eyes wide. What had changed with Odin that made him seem interested in his life? "I must..." He murmured to himself, turning around to walk to his room in a daze, "I must tell Percy the next time I see him..."


"Say what now?" Percy looked at his friend with wide eyes, sitting criss-crossed in the field they made their own, "Odin requested my presence at dinner tomorrow?"

"Yes, he," Loki drew his legs up to his chest, resting his chin on one of his knees. "He wants to meet you. He said - He said that he wants to welcome his son's friends."

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