First kisses and talking about breaking up somehow go together.

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“Hey, Bobby…”

“Hey Amberly, how you going beautiful?”

“Alright, you know… I guess, you?”

“Excellent, ‘cause I’m with you,” so perfect, how did I manage to get Bobby? Honestly? I was with Bobby at school, he had waited outside my English room for me, even though I was talking to the teacher for ten minutes after the bell, he didn’t seem to mind. I didn’t quite know how to go about telling Bobby about Matt. “Bobby,” I said quietly after a long pause.


“I’ve got to tell you something… But I’m not sure how to tell you.”

“You can tell me anything, promise. Is it bad?”

“Sort of… You won’t like it.”

“Just tell me, you won’t feel so bad once you’ve got it out,” He pulled me into him, hugging me lightly. I stood on tippy-toes so as to reach his ear. “Well,” I started; I couldn’t do it. I couldn’t hurt him like this. After another long pause I just let it out. “I saw my friend Matt yesterday, I haven’t seen him in a year and a half, but he was my best friend. He had dinner with my family and I, his dad was there too, and when he left, he…”

“What, he what, Amberly? I’m sure it’s nothing!” I was still in his embrace, but I didn’t think I would be for much longer. “He… He kissed me.” I tilted my head down and loosened my arms, knowing what was coming next.

“He what!” Bobby almost yelled, he let me go and took two steps back, away from me. We were still in the hallway, but no one was around, we were nearing the stairs. “I’m sorry, Bobby, I had no idea he was going to though!” Bobby paused, thinking. I could see that he was angry, and hurt.

“Don’t say sorry, I told you that already.”

“Is that all you’re going to say, Bobby?”

”Well, what more do you want me to say? Did you kiss him back?”

“No! Of course not! I don’t like him Bobby; I like you! Don’t forget that!” I was almost in tears, but I was holding them back, I was in the wrong after all.

“Are you sure?”


“Well… Good, but… I need some time alone. I’ll talk to you later, okay?” He turned and left me. I just stood in the hallway, crying. I went downstairs and sat in the bathrooms for the rest of lunch. Bobby didn’t speak to me until the next day. That was the longest wait of my life; I’m telling you know. He saw me in the halls a few times that day, but he didn’t even look at me.

            The next day was long as well; I didn’t know what to do with myself, honestly. I barely got through the first four periods of school, although I did get lots of work done, and in English we were just reading our newest text, King Lear, that was fun. Not. The bell rang for lunch and I shuffled out of the classroom, trying not to touch anyone. It sort of a game, I suppose, that I used to play when I was younger, I would see how far I could get without making eye contact, and without touching anyone, I admit I wasn't very good at it. Today I made it all the way out of the classroom, down the stairs, and by some miracle, into the quad. Just when no one was around I started to think again, forgetting my little game. I was thinking about Bobby and how he would never speak to me again, fair enough too. Then, wham! I ran into someone. Game Over. I mumbled some apologies and started walking away when the person said, “Hey! Where are you going?” I looked up, not recognising the voice to see Danny sux! As in Bobby’s friend, who somehow got his name in Bobby’s MSN name. We had only talked a few times, but we were pretty close, I feel. I felt liked I had known him forever; maybe it was just because he was friends with Bobby, but I don’t know. “Oh, umm sorry, I didn’t realise it was you, your voice has changed!”

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