The first confession of love between a boy and a girl.

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I comforted Liza and told her all the ways that she would be okay. “You will surely keep in contact, I mean, you two are best friends!” The bell rang again and it was time to go back to class. At least it was cooking now; I would be with Liza, to keep her okay... and Bobby. In cooking we had to partner up, or get a group of three together and cook something, anything, to the best of our ability. Miss O’Neill wanted to find out where to start with our tech class. Bobby came straight over to me as usual, but he asked Liza to join us’ she declined, explaining that she wanted to spend as much time as she could with Mel before she left. So it was just Bobby and I. It turns out Bobby is a master chef! He made gourmet hamburgers, because the class would like that. He told me what to do and how to do it, I can’t say I don’t know how to cook because I do, but I don’t know any of the fancy things that Bobby was pulling off! Lettuce, cheese, cucumber, all chopped by myself. I put the burgers together while Bobby cooked the meat patties. He said the secret ingredient is spice, his favourite being turmeric or paprika for a zing. We presented them by putting the bread on a plate, then the mayonnaise, lettuce, patty, cheese, avocado and cucumber, then lastly the top piece of bread at an angle on top. The very last touch was to put a drizzle of some kind of dressing around the edge of the plate. Miss O’Neill was very impressed!

            Bobby walked me to my next class, P.E; I had theory so it was okay. On the way I asked him a question, cautiously. “So, you like Liza then?” I had to ask, admitting to myself that I was a little jealous.

“No? What bought that on?”

“You kissed her, Bobby…”

“I’ve known her since kindergarten, Amberly! Do you really want to know who I like?”

“Oh…” I was taken aback, he seemed angry, “Not unless you want to tell me, I really don’t mind,” I replied as nicely as I could, and at the same time trying to not to sound incredibly keen, because in truth, I was dying to know, now that he had bought it up. My eyes showed a hint of intrigue though.

“You,” he said as we arrived at my classroom. He walked away before I could say anything. I was left there just staring at his back, getting further and further away with every step.

            I sat next to Kelly in class, even though I was still holding a grudge against her from earlier. She didn’t know that though. “What’s up with you?” She asked bitterly.

“I… Don’t worry,” I replied with the same hostility.

“Why not tell me? Come on, I’m basically your only friend,” she was deliberately trying to annoy me now.

“No, your not. I have plenty of friends, more than you anyway.” I couldn’t stop myself until it was too late.

“Whatever, I know someone who isn’t your friend, probably never will be either.”

“Oh yes?  And who might that be, Kelly?” I replied courteously, but with an edge of sarcasm.


“Yeah?” I questioned, “and why is that?”

“’Cause I told him that you hated him!” She had slipped in her moment of anger. Her eyes widened as she realised her mistake

“Oh, well he didn’t seem angry at me. In fact, he just told me something very nice.”

“Oh, yeah, what was that? ‘Oh you’re so awesome Amberly, I loooooove you!”

“Well, in a much less sarcastic way, yes.”

“You-you’ve got to be joking!” She faked a disdainful tone, but I detected the hurt underneath it. She liked him!

“No, I’m not joking.” That was the end of the conversation. For the rest of the period I just sat, I couldn’t concentrate on anything. I don’t even remember leaving the classroom and walking to the bus bay. All I remember is that Bobby came to talk to me when I was walking out of the gates. “Hey,” He smiled casually, as if nothing had happened. I don’t know how guys do that, not even to this day!

“Ummm… Hi, Bobby,” I replied awkwardly.

“How was P.E?”

“In truth, I don’t really remember.”

“Short term memory loss much!” He laughed lightly.

“So… about before…” I didn’t want to bring it up, but I needed to know what he meant.

“Yeah?” He was still smiling, as normal as could be.


“Yeah, well you were going to find out sometime, there’s no better time than the present, am I right?”

“I guess…” I was still a little star-struck; I think that’s the right word. Confused, maybe.

“Yeah, so… walking?”

“Yeah, you?”

“Yes, I’m walking to my mum’s work.”

“Which way is that?”

“It’s down Laut Drive, towards town, which way are you walking? Maybe we can walk together!”

“Oh, I’m going down Alberta Road, too bad,” I sighed.

“Yeah, maybe you could come with me sometime.”

“Yeah, that would be cool.” I automatically smiled at his idea.

“If you don’t mind me asking, who do you like? Also, I’m sorry if you feel awkward talking to me, I just needed to tell you that I liked you.” He was so forward about it, and he obviously didn’t care if anyone heard him say it either. The green man started to flash, indicating it was safe for me to cross the road. “I-I have to go, but…” I started to walk so I didn’t miss my chance, “You…” I kept walking, not looking back, I wasn’t sure if he even heard me.

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