Awkwardly telling your mum special things.

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I only had to wait at the pool for about three minutes, outside on the nature strip. Bobby turned up and sat down next to me. He looked solemn, like he had the day before when I had apologised to him. “I heard you went down town today? Have fun?”

“Yeah, it was really good actually, I met this cool girl called Emalia. You would like her, I think. Anyway, what did you want to tell me?”

“Yeah, it’s kind of… I don’t know how to go about this, but I guess I’ll just say it straight out. I dated Emalia. For about six months too. We were really serious about each other, but she broke up with me over nothing and yeah… I was pretty hurt by her.” He looked away, sadly. He looked like he might still be upset by Emalia’s decision. “Okay.” I said acceptingly, even though I was taken aback.

“I know you feel obliged to say it’s okay and all that, but if you don’t want to be with me, or you aren’t okay, then feel free to say whatever…”

“I’m actually fine about it all. Seriously, if you can except me, the weird kid who has almost no friends, has never had a boyfriend and has never been kissed, then I think I can accept you, a heartbroken, but still super amazing guy.”

“Thank you. I still just… I don’t know,” Bobby cracked a small smile, but it was enough to tell me that we were okay.

“So, I guess there will be no hanging out with you and Emalia then? Only at different times.”

“Yeah, that’s probably for the best,” he laughed, despite himself. We hugged and all of this business was forgotten. Well, not forgotten, I was still a little shocked at how much he seemed to like her, but if he was with me now, then I’m sure he didn’t still want to be with her, and that was enough for me.

I had to run home after we said goodbye. We just hugged and then he left, saying he needed to get home because he had some things to do.

“And where have you been, young lady?” I hadn’t even entered the door when mum was questioning me. “I’m sorry mum, it’s not that late is it? I was with my friends, and I swear, I left at ten to five so I would be back here in time, but… Bobby called me and we talked for a bit outside the pool, so I was basically home. It’s not dark, so it’s not like I wasn't safe or anything!” I knew I shouldn’t have argued, but I wasn't in the mood for being in trouble, so I added, “I’m sorry though, it was just this once, promise.”

“I know you didn’t mean to do it, but honestly, just because you are in high school now, doesn’t mean you can go staying out late and talking to boys all night, okay? Do you understand me?” When mum mentioned boys, I figured it was time to tell her that Bobby wasn't just a friend. “So, mum, I won't be talking to him all night or anything, I need my sleep to much, but I guess you would want to know… Erm, Bobby is sort of… let’s just say we are more than friends, yeah?”

“So, what you’re telling me is… Bobby is your ‘boyfriend’?”

“Yes, mum, he’s my boyfriend. Is that okay?”

“Yeah, sure, but it’s not like it’s love or anything, you do know that right?”

“Yes mum, but I don’t care, he makes me feel happy and he is really sweet and all, so I’m happy at the moment, and that’s all that matters.”

“That’s good honey,” her interest was wavering, I could tell because her green eyes were wondering towards the kitchen, I’m guessing she was about to make dinner when I got in. “What’s for dinner mum?”

“Oh, you know, meat and three veg I think, maybe some baked veges though.”

“Yum! That’s sweet, make baked veges, please!” Baked vegetables were pretty much the only vegetables I could compel myself to eat. Otherwise, vegetables and I were not good friends.

I had dinner, and went to bed straight away, because the last few nights had been late ones for me, and I read somewhere that it is bad for your sleeping patterns and for your eyes to try and sleep right after looking at bright screens, or technology. I didn’t go on MSN or Facebook that night. Another day, another situation, that’s my life for you. Luckily this situation was relatively minor and was resolved quickly.

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