Chapter 5 - Stage 1 (part 2)

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I got up five minutes late and I had to race do be at the gym in time. Just as I turned around the corner, I felt a hand on my shoulder.  The unexpected contact made me jump and scream.

"It's just me."  Why does he keep scaring me?

"Will you please stop giving me heart attacks? Someday I might die of one of them."

All he did was laugh and that's when I found myself thinking that his laugh was very real and hypnotizing.

"It's okay, I can do CPR."

"But I hope you won't have to."  While laughing we warmed up and started running. He ran at a higher velocity than me of course. And the height he lifted was insane!

"Now what do you do next?"


“I don’t do yoga, so I’ll just go.”

“You should really do yoga. It stretches all your body muscles. It’s great after intense training. Plus, it’s fun.”

He looked at me like he didn’t trust me. “Fine, I’ll try it one time.”

I was seriously surprised. I manage to convince him of something!

The Yoga was extremely funny. He complained all the time of how ridiculous he was. But in the end while we were doing the final position which was just lying on the floor he surprised me again.

“You are right.” He paused. “This is good. But let’s get to the real stuff now.”

 And the training was the same. Al I could thing about was food so I almost raced to the cafeteria and when I got there I took two full  plates. I was just about to dig in when Barton sated in front of me.

“Someone hasn’t eaten in days.”

Another surprise.  Him joining in for launch was definitely unexpected.

“Well, after this morning’s training it feels like at least a week without food.”

“You’ll get used to training hard like this. And you’ll see that it’s worth it.”

“I know. But it’s really hard in the beginning.”

“That is true. Have you been trying to control your powers?”

“Yes. It’s going no where. NO matter how much I try I can’t do anything.”

“But you can when you are in danger…”

“Yes, but…”

“I have a plan. After your lesson with Hill come meet me in my room.”

“What are you thinking?”

“You’ll see.”

We finished our meals and I head out to meet Hill. This time the lesson was shorter. I did like learning the history of S.H.I.L.D. but 3 hours was a long time so I was glad she only took two this time. I finally was done and I went to Barton’s room. I knocked but he didn’t answer so I entered anyway. I didn’t see him but I thought I heard something. All of a sudden a can flew in my direction and I instinctively did the same protective hand movement and the can flew into the wall.

“Barton, what are you doing?”

He came out of the corner where he was hidden. “I am throwing things at you so that you can feel threaten and use your power. I am hiding here because I don’t want to get hit in the head.”

“Do you think it will work?”

“I don’t know. We are trying. That was good. Try and not do the same movement. Let’s see what happens when you make a different one.”

He threw another can and I made the contrary movement and that resulted in the can flying to the other side of the room.

“See? Now you just have to concentrate so you can really control it. For example, try to keep it in the air for a couple of seconds.”


This time he threw a screwdriver at me.  I closed my fist and there it stood in the air.

“I did it! I did it!” And then it fell. “Well it was only two seconds but I did it.” I was so happy I started jumping.

Barton started laughing really hard. The sound made me stop. It was divine. Suddenly I felt week. I had to stand over the wall in order not to fell. Barton stopped laughing and looked at me extremely concerned.

“Ash, are you okay?”

“Yes. Just a little week. Pushing my powers drains me more than our morning training.”

“C’mon. Put your arm on my neck. I’ll sat you on my bed.”

I did as he said. When he made sure I was comfortable, he opened a drawer on his bedside table and gave me a chocolate.

“This will help.”

“Chocolate always helps.”

“You’re funny.” He said laughing.

I laughed too. I was feeling better now. “I’m going to my room now. I am tired and I have a feeling that today I will sleep extra long.”

“Okay. Do you need help?”

“No. I’m okay. See you tomorrow.”

“See you.”

I just ate a few snacks I had in my room and finally fell asleep.  But soon discovered that there was no use. I had that dream again. It was the same every time since I could remember. All I could see was blue walls, tall and might, perhaps from some sort of palace.  I could also see something blue. Probably an alien and a woman dressed in royalty robes.  Then I watch her look at me and that’s it. I wake up screaming and with cold sweats again. Immediately I saw Barton barge in into my room.

“What’s the matter?? Are you okay?” I didn’t even understand how it happen but he was holding my hand.

“It’s okay. I’m okay. I just had a bad dream. Sorry I wake you.”

“It’s okay I wasn’t asleep. Tell me what was the dream.”

I sat on my bed and so did he. I told him everything.

“It’s probably from where you are from. A distant memory from where you were a baby.”

“Probably but the place is scary and I always wake up like this. I can never sleep anymore.”

“Just try. You should rest.”

“I know but I never feel safe after this so it’s impossible for me to sleep.”

“What if I sleep here? On the floor. I could protect you.”

I was more surprised than ever. I mean everything he did until 2 days ago indicated that he didn’t like me in the least and now he was offering to protect me. Then I remembered what Fury said. He would seem cold in the beginning. That must be it. He was warming up to me. But it still seemed that this was too much.

“You wouldn’t mind?”

“No, of course. I need you safe and rested in the morning.”

So that was it. Everything made sense now. “Okay.”

He left to pick up a blanket. When he returned he put the blanket on the floor and lye on top of  it.

“You must be awfully uncomfortable.”

“I am fine. I’ve slept in way worst floors.”   

I didn’t know what to say so I stayed silent.  After about 15 minutes I whispered “Thanks for staying” and closed my eyes. 

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