Chapter 12 - Home of Gods

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I woke up a few hours later not able to sleep anymore. Clint was still sound asleep so I just lightly kissed him in the cheek and silently got dressed and out of the room. It is still dark but I can already see the first glimpses of sunlight. I sat in the empty cafeteria turned to the window. I knew I was doing the right thing but that didn't mean I wished I didn't have to do this. Loki's words keep going on and on on my mind. "You can choose. Until now you only had one option but now you have two. One with those pretend heroes and the other one with me. Your brother." It's more than complicated. Whichever side I choose, I'll have to fight one of my brothers. Why?? I spent all my life whiteout a family and wanting to know how it felt to have one. But now, it's more problems than actually comforts or at least closure.

"Astrid." It was the Director's voice.


"Are you okay?"

"I wouldn't exactly say that. But I am not not okay either."

"He didn't hurt you did he?"

"No. He said he wouldn't and he didn't. He just talked. All bullshit."

"He tends to do that."

"I know what you are worried about. Don't be. I'm on this team. Definitely not his."

"Good. That's what I wanted to hear." He waited a few seconds. "Are you ready for the journey?"

"Yes. I am a bit nervous but I am ready."

"Then, it's time for you to go." He started walking away and I followed him. All the Avengers were on a jet ready to go. I probably should have said something but I didn't care so I just sat and buckled up. I was nervous, I was mad and I was afraid and by me I would've gone to a retreat and stayed alone for two weeks. "You'll be safer there Astrid. We need to keep Loki away from you."

"It's okay I understand. At least one good thing comes out of this."

"What?" Natasha asked.

"I get to meet my mother." There was a general smile, Fury stepped out and the Jet took off. Tony was driving and everyone else was just talking or sitting somewhere. Barton was sat next to me and I rested my head on his shoulder. "So why is everybody coming?"

"He got out, he can get in again. It's better if we stay together." Thor said.

"So, if the risk is the same, why are we not staying?"

"Because even though he can it will be more difficult. And here we are the only ones who can fight him but there we have a small army if needed."

"Okay." This is part of the plan. Which is what makes me scared. The flight was very short. We only needed to reach land. Then Thor just smiled and suddenly everything went white and I felt like I was being dragged forward. In just a slit second I was in a golden thing and I was watching this complete beautiful mighty city. Everyone's eyes were locked on it.

"Your father is expecting you." A tall man said.

"Thank you Heimdall. You know Astrid."

"Yes I do. But she doesn't know me." He turned to me. "I am Heimdall, gatekeeper of Asgard."

I nodded and smiled. "My brother told me you kept an eye on me all this years. Thank you."

He nodded. Thor started leading the way into the city and everyone followed him. I was trying to observe as much as I could while I walked. Everything was so different, so strange. We finally arrived to the palace. It is spectacular. We entered a large room and at the end there was a throne and a someone is sitting on him. It's Odin, the All-Father. As we approached the throne I had no idea what to do, how to behave. I decided just to stand there beside Thor.

"Father, these are the Avengers." He pointed at them and then put a hand on my shoulder. "And this is Astrid." I saw him looking at me. In a moment, I decided what to do. To everyone's surprise I kneeled.

"Thor, my son, lead our guests to their rooms. I want to talk to Astrid alone." They went away and I remained kneeled before Odin.

When they left, I spoke. "My king. I am unworthy of keeling here before you. My only wish is that you give me an opportunity to serve you and all the realms."

Odin got up, walked down the stairs, put his hand on my shoulder and finally spoke. "Stand, Astrid. With this you have showed that you are worthy. Though you are not my daughter by blood, I consider you my daughter nonetheless. From what Heimdall tells me you are nothing like you're half -brother."

His words provoked a feeling of relief like I have never felt. "Thank you, my King."

"I want you to call me what a daughter is supposed to."

"Father." He hugged me.

"Come now, you mother wants to meet you." I followed him. We entered into my mother's chambers and there she was. Waiting for me.

"Astrid." That was all she said before running towards me and hugging me like no one had ever done before. There was desperation, longing and love in that hug.

"Mother." Was all I could say between tears. Odin left the room and we were alone. After we both calmed down I told her how all had happened. When I turned blue and how confused I was, how I felt when Thor told me where I was from. "And then there is Loki. He put me confused. I don't want to be against any of my brothers but whichever side I am I will be. It makes me sad not to be on his team."

"Ah, yes, Loki. He does that to you. But you chose right, my darling. But though you have to stop him never forget that he is your brother. "

"No, I could never forget that."

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