Chapter 2 - S.H.I.E.L.D headquarters

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He was taking me do S.H.I.E.L.D’s headquarters. I was really going to do this. And I was terrified. He saw that and started to make conversation, except it was the most stupid conversation I’ve ever had.

“So, it just occurred to me that I haven’t actually introduced myself.” I can’t believe he just said that. The guy is world famous, how could I not know who he is?

“You don’t really have to. Remember, you pointed an arrow at my head while saving the city in your uniform??”

“Yes, I remember. But that is when I am in battle. Since I am just a normal guy right now, I am going to introduce myself. I’m Clint Barton also known as Hawkeye in certain occasions.”

“Are you really? I would never have guessed it.” Seriously? What a disappointment! My favorite superhero pointed an arrow at me, scared me do death and now it’s just being plain stupid. I don’t think I like him very much. “With so many names I don’t really know what to call you.”

“You can call me whatever you want.” He did not get the irony and sarcasm in my voice.

“Okay, Barton. I’ll just call you what comes to my mind.”

“That’s okay by me.” He reflected a little bit and said “So do you want to hear some music?”

Then I finally understood what he was doing. “I am not so afraid anymore Barton. You don’t have to worry about me.”

“Some events suggest otherwise.”

I didn’t have time to answer him because we had arrived. It was an extraordinary building. It was in an island and the bridge had a lot of security but Barton had a high clearance so the fuzz wasn’t that big. The building was mostly made of cement on the outside and in a kind of a circle. On the inside of the circle it was all glass. It’s funny, I thought it would be something like a cave but instead it’s unbelievably beautiful.

Finally the car was parked and when I was just about to open the door, someone opened for me. When I looked up it was the one and only Nick Fury. I was paralyzed. “Thank you, sir.” was all I could say.

“I am not superior. You can call me Nick, Astrid.”  He already knew my name! No doubt it was Hawkeye that told him. But when I looked at him, he also looked surprised and said no with his head. How did Fury know my name if Barton hadn’t told him?

“How do you know my name?” As soon as I asked the question I felt silly. He was Nick Fury the director of the most intelligent of intelligence agencies, for him since the moment he knew there was a human being turning blue it was easier to find out my name than do add 2 plus 2.

 “It’s better if we talk inside.” We entered and I could barely notice everything around me because we were almost running towards the elevator.  But I didn’t care because all I wanted were some answers. We finally arrived to his office and Nick made a sign for me to sit down. Barton stayed outside the office and I am glad about that.

“Unlike what you may think, I do not know everybody’s name.” Fury paused and looked at me. “You are in our list.”

I started to think a million things at the same time. “What do you mean?”

“Surveillance. People to which we pay attention to.”

“And why would I be on that list? I’m normal.” I thought that last sentence trough. “Or at least I thought I was.”

“What do you know about your past?”

"Well, my parents died when I was a baby and the rest of my family was already dead so I was in foster homes till I was 18."

"That's what they told you because the reality is a little...different. "

"How so?"

"You have no past. None whatsoever. You were found in the streets, the doctors estimated you were 1 year old but you're DNA was in no database. We decided to give you an identity and to insert you in the database because you were apparently human and normal. Because of this we kept an eye on you from close when you were little but since nothing pointed to an irregularity we distanced ourselves a bit. But now things have changed."

That was, to say the least, troubling. A million thoughts were racing through my mind but one more than others. “So who am I? What am I?”

Fury took one deep breath and finally answered. “Due to the fact that it was only when the aliens were here that your situation changed, we believe that you must be from another world.”

I couldn’t take this. I got up and started to walk around Fury’s office. “So what you’re saying is I am an alien. Just like those in New York.”

“Why don’t you tell me what happen exactly that day?” I told him everything. The turning blue, the spear, Hawkeye pointing an arrow at me… and since Barton hadn’t told him about our last meeting I told him about it too.

He reflected on what I told him for a bit and finally spoke.

“I don’t think you are like the ones that attacked New York. If they sensed you were like them they wouldn’t have attacked you. And they don’t have

your skills. You said the spear ended up on the other side of the road and that the ground started hovering right?” I nodded. “Can you show me the movement you made when the spear came?” I showed him. “Yes, I think your power is in your hands.”

I looked at my hands. “Then why doesn’t that happen every time I move my hands?”

“You don’t have control over your powers so the only way they “work” is when you are under pressure. Let me try something.”

He didn’t give me time to react. He just pulled out a gun and shoots me. I made the exact same movement with my hand and the bullet ricochet to the glass that separated Nick’s office and the room where Barton was waiting, breaking the glass. He threw himself to the ground and looked at me seriously surprised.


Nick just continued like he had expected that to happen.

“See? Danger triggers your power.”

“Yes, I see. And now what will happen to me?”

“Well, I have a proposition. I want you to be a part of the avengers.”


“Your power is extremely great. We could use you.”

“But I don’t know anything about fitting or how to control my power!”

“We can teach you.”

“But I am a creature from another planet.”

“But you’ve lived here. I am sure you know that this is your home.”

“It is.”

“Well then there is nothing stopping you.”

I thought about it. “What if I don’t want to be an Avenger?”

“Well, you see… We can’t really allow that. Sooner or later other organization will find out and…”

“And that will make me an enemy.” I didn’t like the fact that I didn’t have a choice but I didn’t want to be against these heroes I hold so high in my mind. “Fine, I will accept your proposition in one condition.”

“Very well, let’s hear it.”

“I want to know exactly where to I come from. I want you to at least try and find out.”

“We will do your best. Welcome to S.H.I.E.L.D.”

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