Chapter 14- Sides

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"MOM!! GUARDS!! HELP!!" A sea of guards had entered the throne room and carefully took Odin away. I saw my mother arrive.

"Mom, what's going on?? What happened to him?"

"He has fallen asleep. It happens every once in a while. Don't worry it will all be okay."

They went to Odin's chamber and left me there. Everything was going according to pan. It was time to handle the Avengers. They all came in running and asking what was going on. I immediately mobilized them all.

"Want to know what was going on?? Very simple. Brother, want to tell the story??"

Loki appeared. "With pleasure, my dear Sister. But you can't hold them like this forever. Why don't we put them downstairs first??"

"Lead the way, brother." I made all of them float as we made our way to the dungeons. After Loki made sure the impenetrable shields were up and running, I took a deep breath preparing myself for what was coming and I put my hands down.

"Why are you doing this?" Captain said. I could barely look at him.

"Why?? You really want to know why?? Because he is my brother." I pointed at Loki. "And he gave me the choice when I had that taken from me. By you. I deserve a choice. And I made it."

"You are betraying you're brother." Nat said.

"Whatever side I am on, I will always be betraying one of my brothers."

"What about me?" It was Hawkeye. He had been standing still in the back until now. He approached the shield and stood face to face with me. "It was all just so we would never suspect you, wasn't it?? It was all an act."

I almost broke down. I almost started crying. So, I turned my back. "Yes, it was all an act. Thanks for the help by the way."

"Loki, you will pay for turning her against us."

Loki laughed. "I didn't. I gave her a choice, nothing else. She just chose me over you."

Mother came in. "Astrid, what is going on??" She looked at me first and then she saw him. "Loki!! You did this?"

"Mother, I have missed you." He said hugging her. She accepted the hug but not before hesitating.

"It's okay, Mother. It will be okay." She looked at me. "You should be with Odin." I emphasized the word SHOULD. I didn't want her to be in the middle of all this. She nodded and left.

"Well, I have enjoyed this little chat but we have nine realms to rule and a few things to change, right brother?"

"Right. Let's go."

I gave them one last look. I looked at him one last time and the look he gave me made realized that I might have lost him. Forever.

"What happens now?"

"Now, we deal with them, Sister."

"How do with do that?"

"We are going to have a visitor. You'll see. Then they won't be a problem any longer."

He was not going to tell me more so I went to the dungeons but I stopped at the corner afraid of what would happen.

"You got to hand it to her, she tricked us good." Tony said

"That doesn't help, Tony. We've got to figure out how to get out of here." Cap said.

"We can't get out. These shield are energy and practically unbreakable." Thor said.

"We have to do something." Nat said.

"Give up. Even if we did, she would "freeze" us in a second. Just give it up guys." It was Clint talking.

"She really got to you didn't she? We can't give up on her. We can convince her that she is on the wrong side." Nat said.

"Nat, didn't you hear her, didn't you see her?? She is definitely on his side."

I decided not to enter the room so I went to the garden to think. I don't think they will forgive. Actually I think they will, I just don't think he will. I should've told him and the fact that I didn't may have coast me everything. But I know I was doing the right thing and it was almost time. I went inside and found Loki sitting on the throne.

"Ah, sister, there you are. There is something you should know."

"There is something you should know too." I froze Loki. "Sorry, but I am not really on your side."

Earlier that day...

"...I said yes." I said with a smile.

Odin didn't even flinch. "Because you want to trick him."

"Yes. I couldn't get him where he took me. I didn't know how to go back so I decided to go with it. He told me they would bring me here which was also perfect to my plan. There is no better place to catch him them here. But I need your help."

"Very good. What is your plan?"

"In order for him to appear when I call him, the Avengers will have to be in prison. I thought that you could pretend to be asleep and then release them while I freeze Loki. Then he will be trapped here and as such it will be very easy to keep him here."

Odin appeared to measure what I had just told him. "Yes, that is a very good and well thought plan. When do you want to put this in motion?"

"Right now. Otherwise Loki will start to question why it's taking so long. "

"Well then, call the guards and your mother. We will need her too."

Except I didn't froze him. I thought it was him but turns out it was an illusion. But he could not be far. A bunch of other illusions appeared, confusing me and making me dizzy. Odin and the Avengers entered the room and Thor smashed his hammer on the floor making all the illusions disappear. I focused on the energy but there were too many people in the room. Finally, I felt a person's energy behind a pillar and I knew it was him. I yanked the pillar and froze him. I'd done. Loki was imprisoned.

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