Chapter 8 - Feelings

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He told me how to position myself. And I did as I was told. Then he told me to put the arrow in the bow and pull but not let go. I did. He put his hands on top of mine while explaining me.

"You have to relax this hand and put this one near your mouth. Like this. Yes that's good. Remember to breathe in when you pull the bow and breath out when you release it. Now aim. And then release."

I did and it hit the target! It wasn't a perfect hit but it was pretty good. But I wasn't even thinking of that. Although I had already released the arrow, Clint still had his hands on mine and he was almost glued to me. My heart was racing. I was looking at him and he was looking at me. He stroke my hand very gently. He leaned in just a little bit. He was going to kiss me. But I couldn't let him.  I backed out completely.

"I need to go. I have...stuff. I will... see you later." I rushed out and left him there. The truth is I wanted him to kiss me. I wanted to kiss him. I was in love with him. How did that happen? I have no idea. What about Natasha? I thought her and him were together. But I knew Clint enough to know that if they were together he would never even try to kiss me. Still I needed to talk to her.

I was almost sprinting. Finally I reached Natasha's door and knocked.

"Nat, are you there?" I heard something inside. Whispers. One voice was Natasha's but the other was a guy. I couldn't place it but it was familiar.  "I'll come back later."

I made my way to my room thinking about that voice.

"Oh my God!!" I couldn't help but say this out loud. It was Steve. That was Steve's voice!   Well this explained a lot.  I couldn't help but smile. They make a good pair. And this way I was sure that I being in love with Barton wasn't a problem.  Thinking of him, he was standing near the door of my room.

"Hey." I said all too normal.

"Hey." His voice almost failed.  "Look I am sorry about before."

My heart fell to the ground. Maybe he didn't really mean to do that. "It's okay." I forced the words out of my mouth.

"I didn't mean to do something you clearly don't want to."

"You didn't... I mean, I left because it was kind of out of nowhere and threw me for a surprise. I mean, I thought you and Natasha..."

"We are friends and partners but not in that sense." He smiled and made a step closer to me. I was between the wall and him. "So you DO want me to kiss you?"

I smiled. I wasn't going to give in that easily. "I guess you'll have to try again to find that out."

He stroked my cheek while smiling. "I guess I will."

I put his hand down. "But not right now. I've got things to do. See you later." I just turned, entered my room and closed the door without giving him time to say anything.

That was hard but at the same time it was good. I felt good. I looked at my hands feeling like I could do more than I had until now. I now had a great deal of control over objects but they were all small ones.  I decided it was time to step up my game. I focused and I was able to lift and move my bed. Then I tried to hold it with only one hand and I was successful for about 10 seconds. Then my bed fell to the ground provoking a deafening noise and shaking the bedroom. Satisfied for being able to do that and without passing out, I eat a chocolate and fell asleep.

I was awakened by Natasha.  "Sorry I woke you up, but you wanted to talk to me."

"Right, I did. Well, I wanted to tell you that... wait a minute. You have to tell me something first. It was Steve's voice in your room, wasn't it?"

She smiled. I knew it was a genuine one. "Yes."

"I was so shocked!  I thought you and Clint..."

"Me and Clint? No... I mean we did but that was a long time ago."

"Wow. That's good."

"Now, about what you wanted to tell me. I know."

"Know what?"

"That you are in love with Clint."

"How did you know? Not even I knew."

"It's really not that hard to see. I also know what happen today."

"He already told you. I kind of thought that you and he were a thing. That's why I ran away."

"But now you know we are not. What are you going to do?"

"I don't know. Wait, to see what he does probably. I never thought he would even... think about me that way."

"Well, he does. Now let's go eat. Enough girl talk."

"I know it's starting to be too much." 

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