Chapter 11 - God of mischief

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He continued to stare at me for a few minutes. Then he made a sudden movement and touched my arm. Both our arms turned blue and the color quickly spread into our entire bodies.

"So, you really are my sister..." Loki said as he let go of my arm and we returned to our "normal" skin tones.

"Apparently." That's all I could say.

"I see that the avengers have got to you."

"They helped. A lot actually." I defended them.

"Really?? Did Fury give you a choice?" I didn't say anything. "I thought so... So he took the choice from you, and you defend them. Well, you are definitely not that super smart. So what can you do? Or maybe you are ordinary. There is a first for everything. But I don't think so. Otherwise Fury hadn't called to have a part of the so called world's greatest heroes or whatever they call themselves. "

He was irritating me. "You want to know what I do?? Fine. You'll regret it in a second." I put my hand up and immobilize him. But he just kept walking. I looked at my hand. What was happening?

He laughed. Another Loki appeared. And another. I, as they appeared, tried to immobilize them but failed. And then there were too many.  I couldn't keep tracking them. But then I remembered what my powers were all about. Energy. Only one emanates energy. All his illusions are just it, illusions. So I concentrated and I found him. I put my hand up and immobilized him immediately.

"You can't trick me. I am your sister." I made my evil smile. I didn't even let him talk at first. But then I thought I would like to hear what he has to say.

"Very, very good. I am impressed and I am not impressed easily."

"You can keep your admiration for my powers. Whatever you want from me, you won't get it." I hastily said.

"Is this a way to talk to your brother?"

"You may be my brother but I don't know you nor do I trust you. I know what you did in New York. I will not let you destroy an entire city."

He laughed. "Can't one just want to meet his long lost sister?"

"You fought your brother. I don't expect you to have much regard for me as well."

"Thor, as I am sure you know, is not my brother. You are my sister. Blood of my blood. I will not harm YOU."

I knew I shouldn't but I put my hands to rest. "I don't trust you. Make one sudden move and I will suck the life out of you..."

He put his hands up in a surrender mode. "Alright. I won't even move."

"So what do you want from me?"

"To give you a choice."

8 Hours later...

I opened my eyes and immediately sat on my bed startled. It was dark but I saw Clint on the floor. He must've heard me moving because he opened his eyes and came to sit beside me.

"Hey. You're back."

"I noticed." I smiled shyly.

"Are you okay? Did he mess with your head?"

"Yes, I am okay. And I don't think he got into my head. Otherwise I would be standing behind him, destroying everything and not here."

He relaxed a little bit. "I suppose so. We though you weren't coming back."

"I don't even know how I got here. I remember talking to him and then waking up here. Nothing more."

"Did he threaten you? Did he do anything to you?"

"No, all we did was talk. And he tried to use his illusions on me. Didn't realer work. But he said he would never hurt me. And I know it sounds crazy but I believe him. Just in that. Everything else didn't sound true but that did."

"Well, it's possible he means it. You are his sister."

"I don't know. I honestly don't want to think about it..."

"Of course. You should rest more. We have a trip tomorrow."

"Where are we going? And why are we leaving?"

"You are clearly not safe here. We are all taking you to a safer place."

"What place could possibly be safer than here?"



"I know..."

I yawned. "I am tired..."

He smiled at me. "Sleep a little bit more." I smiled back. He lifted his hand to my face and put the hair that was in front of my face behind my ear.  Then he moved his hand to my cheek. I put my hand on top of his and softly caressed it.  Then he slowly put his face very near to mine and rested his forehead on mine. "I was so worried about you." He whispered.

I looked at him in the eyes and put my hands on his face. "Don't. You don't have to be. I am stronger than you think."

"I know. But it was our job to protect you. It was my job..."

"Shhh... It's okay. There are some things that are going to happen very unpredictably. It's not your fault. And I am here now."

"I know, I know... you're here." And he kissed me. When we stopped kissing, I was going to lie down but he stopped me. He made me look at him right in the eyes.

"What is it?" I asked.

"I love you." His face was dead serious. But I couldn't help but smile. Those three words were everything to me.


"Of course."

"Well, that's fantastic because I love you too." And I buried my face in his. 

After a minute he stopped me.


"Of course." And I fell asleep exactly how I wanted. Wrapped around his arms.

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