Chapter Two

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Confusion, fear, and uncertainty swirled throughout the bus as people stared at the paraplegic man who was seemingly staging an escape. Inaudible murmurs began until someone from the middle of the bus had the courage to stand up and say, "Excuse me, where are you going?"

The stoic man didn't respond, he looked straight ahead, waiting for the ramp to deploy and then wheeled out onto the highway. Shortly after, others rose from their seats. What began as a few quickly turned into the entire group of eighty people shuffling out of their seats and rushing down the aisle toward the exit.

The large group spilled out onto the empty highway and were met with the brisk air. Many didn't even have the proper attire to endure the elements for any long period of time.

"Now what are we supposed to do?" someone asked.

In situations such as these, it's natural to look for a leader. The paraplegic man didn't exactly fit the bill physically, but he at least seemed to know more about the situation than the others. He therefore become the default leader. The group formed a semi-circle around him, asking him a barrage of questions like a pack of desperate news reporters.

"Do you know why we were abducted and put on this bus?" someone asked.

"I want to know where the bus was taking us."

"I'm hungry."

"I'm cold."

The paraplegic man had yet to respond. Just then, he spoke, which silenced the huddled mass, "I wish I could give you the answers in which you all seek, but I'm afraid time is of the essence."

"Time is of the essence for what?"

"Are we in danger?"

"You tell me?" the man said. "You were all taken against your wills, bound by your hands and feet, and placed on a bus, being transported somewhere without your consent. Were you provide any information as to why you were taken or where you are going? To me, this strongly suggests that we're all in grave danger and therefore it would be in our best interest to run and hide."

"Do you know who's behind this?" someone from the crowd asked.

"Wait, where are you going?" another person asked.

They all watched as the man rose from his chair and began to walk with the assistance of a mechanical contraption affixed to his body.

"Is that an exoskeleton?" Dane asked a question that did not receive a response.

"I think it's best we split up into smaller groups," the man said. "Anyone who wants to join me is welcome to come."

Eight people immediately stepped forward from the crowd, leaving the others standing around looking at each other.

"Hey, I'm Dane. What's yours?"

"You can call me Mr. Camouflage."

"Mr. Camouflage?" Dane repeated. "I'm definitely not going to call you that. How about Camo, or Cam?"

"I don't know what's going on, but I don't want to get into any more trouble," someone said. "I'm just going to wait here."

"Yeah, me too."

"I'm with you. I don't want to go into the forest. I don't even know what I'm supposed to be running from."

The crowd started to chat amongst themselves and form groups based on shared sentiments. Some opted to remain on the driver-less bus where it was warm while others decided to head off on their own.

"You can't stay here," Mr. Camouflage insisted to those heading back onto the bus. "They'll be here soon, and if they find you, they will kill you."


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