Chapter 15: General of the Army

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After the messenger left, all three of them bowed when they saw the Emperor of Elixia.

They bowed to a man, bearing the burden of the whole Empire.

A man who choose to fight for his Freedom rather than to live in Security.

A man whose eyes emits determination and liveliness.

A man who choose to carry on forward against all odds.

An Emperor who chooses to be below his Empire, rather than above it.

"Hello, I am Bellator Elixia, a proud Emperor of this beautiful place. Sir Simon told me about you guys. But before you join the army I have few questions." said the Emperor with a friendly smile on his face.

Well, at least this much is to be expected, thought Joseph. We suddenly came from nowhere and are asking for a place in the army, even though this place is free for all, but still there will be some distrust as they may think we can be 'spies'.

"Sire, I am Joseph and this is my brother Seven. The one standing on the back of Seven is his personal bodyguard. Please ask your questions.", said Joseph. Seven kept silent all the time as he was not experienced in these matters and choose to let the things keep flowing.

"Why did you come to this Place?"

"Some personal issues happened which made us leave our Empire and we came to this place due to the opinion of someone close to us.", Joseph choose to tell the truth while 'hiding' few things.

"Why do you wish to join the army?"

"To get strong, to strengthen myself and to train my brother. The easiest way to get stronger is to live on the battlefield." said Joseph with an excited look in his eyes.

Listening to his brother, gave Seven more determination to get strong.

"Well, seeing from your eyes it looks at what you are saying is true, but I still cannot bring myself to trust you completely. You guys just came out of nowhere." said Bellator Elixia while looking directly at Joseph's eyes.

After listening this made Seven and Joseph felt hurt. As even though they did not have much expectation, but still they had 'hoped' to get this. And this made their mood somewhat on the downside.

"Therefore, as normally where I would have given the rank of General of The Army to any individual who reached Grandmaster Rank, but I would not be able to provide you 'directly'.", said Bellator with an expressionless face.

After hearing the truth, even when mentally prepared it still hurts. Just when Joseph thought its time to bid farewell as he felt something is off.

"But since you individuals are too talented to let go and you came here to get strong therefore I have decided to make an exception and had made an Individual army, who will completely follow your decision on the battlefield. You would be the highest in the chain of command. It's just that when the time come you should be on my side.", said the Emperor with a slight smile as he gave them a slight hint and went inside his palace.

Joseph unknowingly got a frown on his face. He understood the hint that the Emperor gave him. Something big is going to happen 'soon'.

Only Seven, Joseph, Curamare and Simon were left in the garden.

After the Emperor left Simon told them to follow him and took them to a rooftop meeting place. This place has nothing extraordinary and gave this a keen sense of peace and simpleness. To think such a place existed in this Grand Castle.

"Tell me everything. I cannot afford to risk my brother's life.", Joseph said with a frown and slight killing intent in his voice. Seven was startled as this was his first time watching Joseph being angry.

"Well Joseph I cannot tell you everything, but the Emperor would require your strength after 6-7 years. If you can promise to aid us at that time, then we would grant you an individual army. Its an equivalent exchange," said Simon with a poker face.

"Why us?", asked Joseph after he calmed down slightly. Seven kept silent all this while, listening and trying his best to understand what was happening.

"It's because you guys are way too talented and after 6-7 years you can become really strong individuals who can aid the King.", Simon decided to cut the chase and directly say his points.

"Would not other parties interfere if you would give us an entire individual army?", asked Joseph.

"Due to the change in world's law, the demons have become more active at the northern border. Therefore we are sending an army to protect and reinforce it. We can make you General of the Army ranked individual there, since no one wishes to give up their comfort and go to to fight except few battle maniacs.", explained Simon.

"So we would look like sacrifice in the eyes of big families. Not a bad idea, I agree with your request and will aid the Emperor after 6-7 years when he would require our help. When will we depart from here?", asked Joseph as he gave his promise to the aid the Emperor in the future.

"You can depart from here anytime. It would be not possible to do superficial occasions this time, forgive me for this. And in this ring there is the Badge which Signifies as you are a part of one of the 13 General of the Army. This also contains a Robe of the army. And please keep in mind to keep your strength as much as secret as possible.", said Simon as he gave Joseph a special ring.

"Then we would excuse you, please provide us the transportation today if possible.", said Joseph being excited, as he always heard but has never fought any demon. Well Joseph can be said to be a battle maniac despite his delicate and beautiful appearance.

Simon told them its possible and after 30 minutes the same Land Wyvern appeared in front of them. But this time he greeted Joseph on his knees before telling to get on the Land Wyvern. He told them he was Ran Elixia and would be their personal assistant on their journey and will guide them, as well as stay with them.

Well the Emperor still did not have complete trust in them, therefore he send someone that can tell them all the time and would tell the Emperor about their progress.

But the Emperor must quite desperately to take the help of an outsider this much. That he would have to keep the hope of saving his throne for him.

Ran escorted them when they could see quite an extravagant carriage. This carriage is big and has four rooms in it, one for everyone.

After asking Ran they got to know that it will take them 2 days to reach the military base from here and then they can directly teleport the army to the border of the northern region.

After resting for some time Seven decided its time to use lottery as he has accumulated quite a lot of lotto cards which accumulated to 81 cards. He recently received a quest telling him to reach Soldier Rank 5 Star the reward is random and depends how early he does it.

"System use all my lotto cards and tell me what I get", said Seven to system.

[Responding to host's request]

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