My Daughter

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I want my old self back.

The person who I was before you hated me.

At the beginning, I had no intention of getting too attached to anyone and I just wanted to indulge myself in a mundane happy life.

But as we spent time together, you were the bright sun that illuminated my world away from the darkness that crept in my heart.


You brought my heart back to the wilderness where a vicious cycle of emotions are nurtured.

I hated it.

I've long come to realize that the greater happiness you shared with someone, the greater the pain is when you lose that person.

Despite it all, I learned to love again.

It was a kind of love that had no shackle of expectations or yearning.

I simply wanted to care and guide you as you journey through your life.

Memories piled up and you were no longer a simple friend to me, I began to recognize you as my own daughter.

As a father figure to you, I made sure to give you everything of my own know-how in life.

I was thankful and blessed for among the stones that litter on the ground, there was a gem that came to my life and showed me that in this world, true kindness does exist.

But now, everything is lost.

Despite the kindness you showed me, I was not able to perfectly play my role in your life.


Hence, you were hurt and you cried to everyone you loved. I, who was your father figure that was supposed to be beside you, became your icon of hate and distrust toward this world.

I'm sorry.

If only the devil came by my doorstep and offered me a deal to go back in time and fix everything I destroyed.

I would have done so no matter the cost, without a doubt.

But I knew that if God does truly exist, He will want us to view all of this as another part of growing up and learn what life all about is.

Accept, learn and move on.


I can't let everything end like this.


These feelings and thoughts that has nowhere to go, no one to receive and never again can be said in front of you.

One meeting that imprisoned and buried everything that I shared with you.


A sentence that forbids me from having anything do with your life.

Whatever you experience or feel, I can no longer hear it from you, much less be a part of it.

No matter how worried I am for you, the respect you had for me and the right I had to meddle with your life all dissipated in the abyss.

It was all inevitable, I brought nothing more in your life except for misery and heartache.

You've probably found your happiness back, I can only be happy for you.

Remember only this.

I'll stay right here.

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