Chapter Thirty-Six

Start from the beginning

"Very manly my dude" Kirishima gave Bakugou a thumbs up as he rolled his eyes in response. 

Everyone continued staring at Bakugou as he had just grown ten heads. This was a Bakugou none of us have ever seen so I understand their shock. 

"That was very nice of you Bakugou" Tsu said putting a finger under her chin inquisitively, "Excuse my's just so unlike you.." 

Bakugou sat down beside Kaminari trying to avoid the stares people were giving him, "DONT YOU HAVE ANYTHING BETTER TO DO!" He yells taking another sip of coffee, "You're all fucking annoying". 

Taking my first sip of coffee I blush from all the attention this was getting. I couldn't help but wonder what Bakugou was thinking, he clearly was happy about everything or he wouldn't have run out and gotten a coffee or made such a public display. 

Looking over the top of my coffee cup as I brought the warm drink down my eyes meet Bakugou's from across the circle. Slowly bringing the cup down with a bit of a shake in my hands as I smile at him. 

"T-thanks Bakugou" I say with a shaky voice as he smiled back at me. 

"Don't mention it" He laughed as he heard Kirishima chuckle beside him. Bakugou quickly punched his arm before taking another sip. 

"Well, we better start heading back soon," Tsu said smiling at everyone "Thanks so much for having us!" 

Kirishima nodded his head, "It seems like most everyone left already and cleaned up, everyone except Mina.." He rolled his eyes smiling at the thought of her, "Shes still snoring in there" pointing his thumb at the tent behind him as we all quieted to listen to her snores. In the distance, we could hear her muffled snore which caused an eruption of laughter. Tsu was already getting up as I quickly stand up brushing off the sand from my lap. 

"Thanks again for having us!" I smile brightly at Kirishima as he waves in response. 

"W-Wait Ochaco!" I freeze standing there as Tsu turns her head around, she was already a few steps ahead but everyone had to stop what they were doing to hear Bakugou continue. 

"Uh" He scratched the back of his head as he continued, "Wanna fucking hangout or some shit today?" I felt my face burn red as all eyes shifted back on me. 

"Oh- I uh, W-well sure Katsuki," I say rubbing the back of my arm. I've always wanted Bakugou to act this way in front of people, but I never really imagined how I would feel when he did.  He smiled cocking his head to the side indicating what way to walk. I quickly jumped and made my way next to him. My gaze remained on the ground as I walked beside him. Turning around slightly I notice the whole group behind us sat with mouths wide open at the sight. It made me laugh a bit as my eyes trailed up the tall figure beside me. 

We continued walking into town silently before he finally spoke up. "I wanted to spend the day with you, away from everyone..." I smile to myself looking down as my heart beat skipped. 

"I'm so happy you did" I sigh as I feel his hand grab my arm stopping me in my tracks. Looking up at his dark red eyes I see that same soft look I saw last night. He was genuinely happy and it made me happy. Leaning down he surprises me by pressing a soft kiss to my lips. I was frozen as he pulled away inches from my face as a smile beamed on his face. 

"Well then lets fucking go and enjoy this nice day." Grabbing hold of my hand Bakugou led me into town. I felt a tingling sensation throughout my whole body as soon as his hand touched mine. As my feet hit the floor I could have sworn I would float away. This is everything and more of what I wanted from him. 

The remainder of the day Bakugou and I roamed about the town stopping to look at things, but really just window shopped and talked. He mentioned how his training has been going, how he has grown really impressed by me. As he listened to me talk about my parents and how much I missed them being here. 

"You know, my mom was serious about you coming by any time you wanted right?" He scoffed "She probably would want you coming by more than me". We both laugh at the thought of Mitsuki getting excited for me to come over and pushing Bakugou to the side. 

"She cares so much about you though Bakugou, you know that right?" I smile taking a seat at the park bench beside us. 

"Yeah... I know, just she makes me feel so fucking weak sometimes.. She and my old man are so old fashioned... they hate the whole "celebrity superhero thing" so when I came out a perfect mix of their quirks and was recognized as the best it worried them that it would affect my complex or whatever..." 

I laugh and he shoots me a look, "what's that about!?" 

"Well... to be fair Katsuki, you were a bit cocky the first year..." 

"I MEAN FUCK WHO WOULDNT!" he yelled laughing at my rolled eyes "but for real, I told you all about this before, being told over and over again that I was so great and things were going to be easy for me at UA really did hurt me in the long run... So I guess my parents were right about something" 

Laying his arms behind me and along the back of the bench, he sighed throwing his head back. I turned my gaze over to him watching as his jaw tightened. I would have never known how he felt during our first year. He always kept everything to together and just brushed everyone off. He should have realized that we were all here for support, that he didn't have to be so strong all the time. Scooting my body closer to his I leaned my head on his shoulder as his head slowly rose up to kiss my forehead. 

Everything had been so great. Bakugou and I were actually feeling like a couple of some sort, but the one thing I worried about was how I would tell Deku..If I even should tell Deku. My stomach turned at the thought. Bakugou and I sat for a while allowing for the breeze to blow around us. No one said a thing, but just having him near me was enough. As time passed by and the sky changed colors we decided it was probably best to head home. Sitting up Bakugou shoved one hand in his pant pocket as his free hand extended to me once again as I reached out to grab it. As we walked slowly back to the dorms my mind clouded with what the others were probably saying and how this would all go over. One thing I still couldn't believe Katsuki Bakugou wanted to hold hands with anyone for this long.

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