Chapter Thirty-Two

Start from the beginning

"Well, I know where we can get the supplies again!" Kaminari continued, there was no stopping him once he was started. That dunce face would do anything for a good party.

"Come on guys, it's just a small group!" Sero yelled as we all stopped in a circle just a few steps from the dorms. We looked like a bunch of kids circled up hollering out our plans like we were in the middle of some sports match. Kirishima looked over at me shrugging his shoulders in defeat.

"We can all crash at my families lake house if we need to again?" Kirishima said hesitantly as the boys cheered. Now everyone was giving me their dumb fucking puppy eyes waiting for my answer. Why did it always have to come down to what I thought?

"Pfft. Stop fucking looking at me like that you dorks.." I scoff turning my chin up at them.

"Come on Bakugou" his voice sounded winny making me annoyed, "might be a good time" Kirishima sighed giving me a toothy grin.

"Fuck...Fine whatever. You all organize it then because I want no part in the planning and logistics.."

"YAAAAAASS!" The three losers all high fived each other running into the dorms as I stood back shocked. They were like children, so easily pleased. Shaking my head I follow after them passing by Deku who was sitting on the stairs. He looked upset and I had a bad feeling already building in my stomach. Before I opened the door I looked back in the distance towards the school and saw Tsu and Ochaco walking back. I decided it was probably best to stay in the main living room because I knew shit was about to hit the fan any minute.

Walking into the living room I overhear Kaminari already letting some people know about the party we literally just talked about two minutes ago. He really couldn't contain his excitement which made me laugh.

"So well have drinks and a place to stay - same as last year! This Friday!" His hands flailed around at Mina and Momo who gave him a thumbs up smiling big.

"YAY! I was hoping you all would do this again!" Mina jumped up clapping as Kirishima wrapped his arm around her shoulder.

"Couldn't have another school year without a good ol' party hosted by the boys!" His stupid toothy grin flashed at them as everyone started laughing before he yelled across the room at me "Right Bakugou!"

I was a bit distracted as I watched Tsu walk in alone looking a bit concerned.

"Uh- yeah sure," I say dropping my school bag on the floor sitting on the couch. There was a big chance that something was happening outside and within minutes I was proved right. I watched as Ochaco tore through the front door like a bullet train.

Gripping my hands on the arms of the chair as I watched her storm upstairs clearly crying. I tightened my grip holding myself down from running after her for fear of everyone suspecting something. Everyone's expressions were similar to mine as they watched her run off. That fucking loser Deku just broke her heart.

As the door swung open that stupid green haired shit rag walked through with a solemn expression. I was fighting the urge to yell something at him, I knew he knew Ochaco and I kissed, the last thing I needed was for him to get mad and tell everyone here - which honestly wouldn't be terrible, but I know that would hurt Ochaco.

Everyone else remained silent and it drove me wild. Was no one going to say anything? Was Deku some fucking golden child who was going to get away with his actions this week?! First causing a scene in the dorms now fucking making her cry?! I couldn't hold back any longer as I felt the steam coming out of my ears as my body pushed up from the chair.

"WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO!?" I yelled jumping out of my seat. Everyone looked surprised at me but looked back at Deku wanting a response.

"This doesn't concern you Kattchan.." Deku says softly uncomfortable from the attention and slightly nervous from my confrontation.

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