"Well you're starting to let me down you know that? I thought you cared about me? Instead, you have treated me worse than even a friend right now..." Deku took a step back as I continued "so you know what? You've been training all this time and ignoring me, why don't you let me go train now and leave me be for a bit."

My tone raised as I could tell that some of the others were looking at us now. I turn quickly and walk towards an empty area in the arena to allow myself to train. I was so furious with him at this point, us talking anymore would only cause a scene. I just needed to be alone and to train my skills to become better. Deku was acting like he was better than me... like I needed to be this understanding cheerleader who should be lucky to just be in his presence. Pfft.

As I lifted large robots and smashed them angrily together I felt myself growing faint. I continued pushing myself because I wanted to train my quirk to last longer and secondly because I needed to work off these emotions I was feeling.

"Hey slow down Pink Cheeks" I recognized that voice but didn't pay any mind as I continued to smash then heavy objects together. Before I knew it my knees buckled below me and I was falling back. My stomach flipped and I braced myself for the impact of the cold floor as my eyes lowered.

Taking in a breath the weight of my body was stopped by something else a lot softer than the ground. "I told you to fucking slow down!" I bat my eyes and look up at an angry, but concerned Bakugou. "S-sorry" I breathlessly respond as he lowers my behind a large rock Kirishima was using for training.

Being seen by everyone was the least of my concerns at this point but it was nice to know we were hidden during this incident. I let my body recoup as I take in heavy breaths and rest my head in my hands. Bakugou dropped down and sat beside me quietly which was actually nice for a change...

"why do you always have to fucking overdo it.. you know you shouldn't push yourself too hard..." even though he was correcting at me his voice was soft and calming.

I lifted my head from my hands and looked at him from the side. His school gym uniform was dirty from training and his hair was a bit messy. "You look terrible" was all I could say and I began to laugh.

"WHAT THE HELL!" He raised his hands over his head and I flinched from the volume of his voice, but continued laughing from his reaction to my comment as he continued "I JUST FUCKING HELPED YOU AND THAT'S WHAT YOU SAY TO ME?!"

I fall to my side due to laughter and he begins to lower his shoulders and calm down a bit. A crooked smile spreads across his face as he reaches over close.. I begin to hold my breath wondering what he was about to do as his large hands reach for me. Pressing his palm to the top of my head he begins to tousle up my hair "dork" he scoffs as he chuckles to himself leaning his head back against the wall, still smiling to himself.

I catch my breath from earlier and look over at him. I loved seeing this side of him, no one ever gets to see this side.. I always wondered why he hid it from people. Maybe he's always felt like he needed to keep up this persona of himself way before he met anyone of us.

I didn't even realize how long I was staring until he looked over at me "wanna take a picture round face?" He laughs pushing me a bit which snaps me back to reality.

"Oh hush.. I was just thinking". He straightens up his posture a bit, "what about? Wait let me guess... about your loser boyfriend Deku?" I flash him a look that was serious but also playful.. "quit..." I flick his tricep and he flinches gritting his teeth at me "alright alright, but really what has been eating you.." I smile at him because he was actually showing genuine concern in my feelings, it was nice to see that he at least wanted a friendship with me after everything.

"I just, I'm frustrated with how everything's going. I feel like the world around me is suffocating me a bit... it's kinda tiring. I also hate feeling like I'm bothering someone.. you know? Like I'm just in their way.."

I shrug my shoulders as I fiddle around with something on the floor. Blasts are going off in the distance due to everyone training behind this rock wall. Bakugou sighs running his hand through his air.

"Well, Ochaco then maybe you need to distance yourself for a while, get back to training you know?" I look at him quickly and he turns his head to face mine. "You have to remember why you're here at UA, which is to become a celebrity hero remember? That's what you've always wanted.. at least that's what I remember you said you wanted.. you want to make your parents proud and to help support them" his tone was calm and welcoming and I listened intently holding onto every word he was saying "letting other people get in your way only blurs your vision and messes up your goals".

Though this was great advice, all it reminded me of was what Bakugou said to me when he told me earlier this school year.. that it would be "a waste of time" to have any remote feelings for me during our time at UA. It's hurt to reminisce on it, but I have to say I was starting to understand his perspective a little bit more fur to my situation..

I smiled up at him in response, "your right. I cannot let myself get carried away and lose sight of myself..." he nodded his head back at me as I watched his jaw clenched a bit.

"So with that let's get back to training.." he jumped up to his feet and extended a hand out to me to help me up. I took hold and he pulled me up with such force I almost fell into him. Looking away I felt my face heat up as he smiled still holding my hand for a minute.

I quickly let go holding my hands up "sorry sorry, uh let's go so the others aren't worried" he shakes his head and blast himself off in the direction of the others. Standing there I felt my hands sweat. It felt good to have a genuine conversation with Bakugou again.. that's what we always used to be before things got complicated. It's how he and I even got started.

It all began with a simple conversation that let too many meetups and vents from both parties. We needed each other and we were there for each other to help the other grow and tackle some pretty hard situations. I've seen Bakugou change a lot since our first year at UA and I like to think I had some part in that, but who really knows anymore. I was just happy for that short bit of time we did have because I miss having him as a support system..

Returning back to the dorms I quickly rushed to my room to change out of my wet clothes. I couldn't stand the cold as I slip on a pair of grey cropped sweatpants and an oversized light blue sweater. I wrapped my arms around myself to try and warm up a bit before hearing a knock on my door.

"Come in" I yell out hearing the door open and close. "Hey, Ochaco" I turn around to see Tsu, she was also dressed comfy with her green hair pulled back in a ponytail. I smile at her inviting her to come sit down. "So what's up?" She stared at me scanning my face which concerned me.. "Tsu what is it??"

Her eyes squint at me and she crosses her legs on the floor opening her mouth like she wants to say something but can't find the right words. I begin to panic a bit " TSU WHAT IS IT?!" She looks up right at me startled that I yelled and finally speaks up, " I heard you today..."

I take in a breath and look down at her from my bed. "What do you mean you heard me?" I was beyond confused but a little scared as she continued. "Today with Bakugou at training, I heard you all talking.." I think back to the conversation with Bakugou and begin to replay every word hoping we didn't say anything bad. "I heard the way you all were talking to each other and- and I want you to tell me what the heck is actually going on!"

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