I tried to speak but it felt like my lungs were bruised. I quickly gave up and just smiled back. I looked at his body I quickly noticed his wounds. They were minor, but he still had more than our first battle. "You definitely got stronger Ochaco, you impressed me - just a little bit" Bakugou scoffed and I giggled trying to sit up before wincing and falling back onto the bed. "Just relax ok?! Damn your such a fucking overachiever" Bakugou yelled and Recovery Girl shot him a scolding look as he rolled his eyes.

"Keep an eye on her ok young Bakugou? I am going to help another student in the other room" he nodded his head quickly as she walked out of the room. Bakugou watched her as he left his large hands pressed onto the bed holding his body up. The hairs that once stood up were flattened on the back of his neck due to sweat, his face slowly returning to its softer version.

Bakugou let out a heavy sigh as my eyes trailed down his body to his hands, all bruised and beaten up from the fight. I slowly pulled mine out from under the covers and reached for his, setting my small hand down on top of his. I never noticed how big he was compared to mine.

I immediately felt his hand warm up from my contact. He turned to look at me, confused as he looked down at our hands then back up to me. All I could muster up was a faint "T-thank you Katsuki". He seemed a bit shocked at first because it was the first time I called him by his first name but a soft smile spread across his face before giving my hand a squeeze.

He looked down at our hands intertwined taking in another deep breath before looking back up into my eyes. He began opening his mouth to say something but was interrupted by the door swinging open.

"Ochaco !"

It was Tsu, Iida, Kirishima, and Deku. Bakugou let go of my hand quickly jumping up to his feet, but it was too late.

It was very clear they all saw it as their faces all made slight changes. Tsu and Iida looked so confused while Kirishima crossed his arms with a smug smile and Deku looked hurt dropping his hands to his side.

"Eh- yeah Recovery Girl fixed her up, but she still cant really talk much.." Bakugou said surprisingly calm, but you could tell he felt uncomfortable. Everyone just stayed where they were before Tsu stepped forward. She immediately broke the ice, thankfully, as she sat beside me.

Iida followed standing at the end of my bed and Deku followed walking past Bakugou inspecting him. Bakugou walked a little to meet Kirishima midway as they exchanged some faint words that I couldn't hear from my bed. The two boys turned to look at me before continuing.

"How are you feeling Ochaco?" Tsu said taking my hand. I smiled giving a thumbs up.

"That was very sportsman like of you Bakugou to carry a fellow classmate to Recovery Girl" Iida yelled out before everyone shushed him.

"Yeah dude. Very manly of you" Kirishima slapped Bakugou's back giving off a hollow noise. I smiled at Bakugou's reaction to the praise. It was nice to see everyone be so positive towards him, not many saw his good deeds. Deku remained silent his fists clenched and it worried me for what he was about to say..

"Yeah- but were forgetting he's the one that got you in this situation..." Deku mumbled as everyone's head shot in his direction then at Bakugou then at me then back to Deku. He wasn't wrong, but wasn't that the whole point of the sports festival? Bakugou is one of the strongest kids in our class, in most classes for that matter. I wanted him to give it everything he had, I wanted him to respect me as a competitor.

So he made some good hits on me, I made attempts to do that to him as well? Just because I'm a girl doesn't mean I'm some fragile flower... It just made me madder at Deku. Kirishima sighed as Tsu looked at me still holding my hand, her face a bit worried. No one wanted to look at Bakugou. I'm not sure if we feared his reaction or if everyone was agreeing with Deku. Before anyone could speak up I could hear Bakugo's steps quicken as he approached Deku.

"LISTEN LOSER!" His voice bellowed against the walls as he stepped in front of Deku. Iida stepped back unsure what to do as I watched the veins in Bakugous neck pulse "AT LEAST I TREAT HER LIKE A WORTHY OPPONENT!" Bakugou pointed his finger into Deku's chest pushing him back slightly, even Deku knew he wasn't going to say anything more, he already pissed off the beast, Bakugou grit his teeth turning his head up, "She's stronger than you give her credit for" his voice softer now as he turned to walk with Kirishima, "Fucking Deku, how stupid are you.." he mumbled as he walked away.

Deku stood there and I knew he wasn't finished, "She's not like you Kacchan, she fragile and you didn't need to do that again to show everyone how strong you are..." At this point, Bakugou and Kirishima were at the door. He turned around looking over at me then back at Deku, "Who the fuck are you calling "fragile"?" His eyes were serious before his head turned sharply slamming the door behind him.

The room grew quiet as everyone turned away from the door and back down to me. Deku looked annoyed but sat next to me holding my left hand.

Tsu and Iida stayed for an hour before they returned to watch the rest of the battles. I had heard that third place was going to be Kirishima this year, the finals were once again Todoroki and Bakugou. This was unsurprising. Deku hadn't said much since Bakugou left.

"D-don't you want to watch the matches?" I croaked feeling my lungs burn. His face coiled up hitting the remote to turn it on. I wasn't really sure what the issue was exactly.. or if it was a mix of many things...

As we sat silently, the battles played out on the TV. Between each commercial break, it showed highlights to the previous battles and it quickly flashed to the end of mine. I watched as Bakugou rushed to my side as soon as he realized it was over. The crowd "ooooed" and "awwwee" as our faces were blown up on the big screen.

Present Mic echoed over the TV "WHHHOOOOOOOWWWIEEEE NOW THIS IS A DIFFERENT BAKUGOU!" Everyone cheered as he rushed me out of the arena. Not even staying long enough to hear the applause of the audience for his win. It made my heart skip seeing the concern in his eyes as my lifeless body laid in his strong arms. The replay showed him pushing the hair from my face and lifting me up, holding me close before running off.

They kept showing it and Deku turned his head clearly annoyed now. It brought me back to the reality that Deku knew nothing of Bakugou and my past, he was just sitting there watching him get cozy with his love interest.

"I just don't get how they are making him seem like some hero?" He looked over at me his eyes full of tears "I was so worried watching you and to now see him portrayed as some great guy makes me so mad.." I couldn't find the words to make him feel better. I pulled myself up sitting up straight now leaning in to hug him.

My whole body hurt, but it hurt more seeing him upset over all of this. He didn't hug me back he just sat there as the tears rolled down his cheeks. "Plus, I walk in to see you holding his hand?" Deku flinched pushing me away a bit. His green eyes looked concerned as he scanned mine for answers. I stared wide-eyed up at him, hoping he wasn't going to pry anymore and we could just change the subject.

"I-its not like that Deku, I promise" my voice was quiet and raspy as I looked down not wanting to make eye contact with him. "Then what was it?" It was clear Deku was not going to let this go.

"Look" I said as sternly as I could cause him to meet my gaze, "He helped me get to recovery girl quick and I was thanking him. Nothing more." He still looked skeptical holding his gaze.

"Bakugou really isn't that bad Deku, if he was he wouldn't have stopped himself and ran me to get help.." Deku was quiet for a while. I wanted him to say something, anything.

He turned his head away from me nodding it slightly, "your right". The deafening quietness made me shift uncomfortably in my bed. Deku stood up from the bed, "I'm going to watch the last match".

"Good for you, its better than watching in here that's for sure. I can't wait to see who- "

"Ochaco...?" Deku cut me off quick before I could even finish.

"Yeah, what is it ?" I said nervously not wanting any more questions.

"There isn't anything you're hiding from me right?" He looked at me from the side of his eyes his head hung a bit defeated.

"No Deku. There's nothing I'm hiding from you..." I sighed knowing right then that I was lying. He smirked before turning around leaning over the bed to kiss my forehead, "Good job today Ochaco".

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