As a class, it was clear something was going on from the day they were apart of the rescue squad for Bakugou during our first year. They always acted so cool in front of us, but the minute they were together they smiled and blushed like two kids.

Before I could get lost in my thoughts anymore the boys were all running across the living room chasing each other. When I say boys, I mean Soto, Kirishima and Kaminari, the rest of the boys walked slowly behind before plopping down on the couch with us. Bakugou was not with them and I knew Deku was on his way back from training with All Might. He was supposed to be here a little bit ago, but it seemed like he was late. I probably should head outside and just wait.

"Where are you headed, gurl?" Kaminari pointed at me as I started putting on my shoes.

"Meeting Deku to go into town" I didn't look up as I knelt down tying my shoes.

"OOOOOOOooooooooOOOOOOOOooooo" Soto and Kaminari both sang in unison as their eyebrows wiggled above their eyes. I actually couldn't help but laugh at them. They were so weird. "Were just grabbing some food quickly, shouldn't be too long" I give a slight wave and catch Kirishima's eyes who just stared and smiled at me. It wasn't out of the ordinary, but his expression was a little weird, weirder than usual.

I swore Bakugou had to have told him something because he's been acting so strange since the first day of embarrassing. He and Bakugou probably sat laughing about me stopping by a few weeks ago. ugh.

Slipping out the door I was greeted to a beaming Deku. "Sorry I'm late!" he was so cute as he smiled up pulling picked flowers from behind his back. A few yellow dandelions and a few purple weeds. I couldn't help but crack up a bit. I stepped down from the stairs and reached out for the flowers pulling them close to my chest and with my free hand, I leaned up on my tiptoes wrapped my arm around his neck pulling him in as my chin rested on his shoulder.

Feeling his arms wrap around mine I knew this was the moment he would kiss me. I felt myself become giddy as we pulled away. My cheeks burned as I mirrored his soft smile. Bringing a hand to my cheek he pushed my loose hair away from my eyes as I closed them softly. Here we go!

"Oh hey, K-kacchan" Deku's hand now dropped as he waved awkwardly. My eyes peeled back as I turned my head to the side slowly to see a grossed out Bakugou staring at me.

"You fucking losers are making me lose my appetite" He scoffed as he turned his chin up at us.

"Well then walk around us, you don't have to stand there and be creepy.." I snapped. Deku jumped looking at me then back at Bakugou in a panic.

"Oh - uh sorry K-kacchan" Now it was my turn to shoot him a look. Why could he fight all these villains, put his life on the line, but he couldn't even stand up to his childhood bully/friend/enemy.. whatever they were. I was so mad he ruined my moment and the things he said to me a few weeks ago that I just let my emotions get the best of me... I crossed my arms standing there tapping my foot, "why are you still standing there then..." I said as the words slithered from my lips.

Bakugou's back straightened up as he looked down at me, a mix of annoyance and a hint of impressed, "Well loser, your standing in the middle of the doorway so It is kinda fucking hard for me to just walk around without walking through you. So if you don't fucking mind moving extras I will get through, or I can blow your asses up right now if you have something else to fucking say Floaty fuck" he growled causing me to become embarrassed. I had no clue I was in his way... I thought he was just being a jerk..more than he usually was. I jumped out of the way as he pushed through us making his way inside.

"What a jerk." I grumble. Deku said nothing as he watched Katchan walked away.

"You didn't have to be rude though" Deku looked at me confused "I have never seen you talk like that to anyone"

"I just get tired of him getting away with treating people like that, it's not right. I don't know how you allowed him to do that to you for so long". I instantly regretted saying that as I saw his expression change from confused to hurt. He looked away from me and began stepping down the stairs. "Let's go before it gets dark" was all he said as I set the flowers on the porch following after him.

We walked in silence. I couldn't find the words to make up for insulting his masculinity a bit. As the street lights went on we stopped on the bridge outside of town and admired the lights reflection off the river below.

"I'm sorry" I exhale looking over at him putting a hand on his.

"It's ok " he smiled "it's just, Kacchan and I have a very different relationship, and your right I should have stuck up for myself more, but at the same time you didn't have to say that to me" He looked back down at the river "Were in a good place, for us that is, and it just kinda pissed me off that you had to start that with him is all...just kinda set us back to old times"

I was so annoyed. He was missing the whole point... he shouldn't let Bakugou be in charge of their friendship and treat him like that. I rolled my eyes subtly so he didn't see as I kept quiet. "I'm sorry" was all I said again. This was a battle I did not even feel like fighting especially because Deku had no clue about Bakugou and me, so it's best to keep him out of the conversation before I slip up.

We continued the rest of the night on better terms than the beginning. We stopped at a few shops and lastly and ice cream parlor. Deku chose a mint chip and I giggled because the color matched his hair perfectly while I got chocolate. We walked back to the dorms happy with our ice cream choices when I felt a hand reach for mine.

Looking down I saw his hand in mine holding it gently as we strolled along like it wasn't a big deal or anything. It felt nice and I couldn't help the smile from spreading on my face as we continued on. Walking back over the bridge he stopped me giving my hand a squeeze. I turned around to look at him noticing he looked serious.

"I had a great time with you Ochaco" He half smiled as a blush rose on his freckled cheeks "I'm sorry if I was a complete jerk earlier".

I smiled back at him before he quickly pulled me in tightly. I was a bit surprised as I exhaled from the jolt and giggled as he held me close. "I am always happy when I'm with you Ochaco"

"Is that so?" I laughed as I snuggled into him "what makes you so happy then?" I teased playfully batting my eyelashes up at him.

"I like you so much because you are always true to yourself, you never try to be something you're not" He laughed watching my surprised reaction, pausing for a minute then cocking his head... "What were you expecting me to say ?.... Was that not the right thing to say?!" He panicked so easily it caused me to die laughing in his arms.

"No, I loved that, your the sweetest Deku" I beamed up at him as his eyes twinkled with every word. Tilting my head I was hoping he would get the hint that I wanted him to kiss me. He began leaning in closer as my eyes lowered. My heartbeat could be heard in my ears. What were things going to be like after we kissed. Would they change? Be weird?

We had to find out sooner or later. I was so nervous, but before I could get ahead of myself I felt his lips press against my cheek. Holding his lips there for a minute he pulled back only slightly to whisper in my ear.

"Plus you have never lied to me Ochaco.." he kissed my cheek softly as I tensed up a bit with guilt "that and many other reasons are why I've always loved you".

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