Have you heard of Patch

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Izuku woke up like always. Early in the morning with untamable bed-hair. He did the usual and got his coffee before he went out and jogged a few miles. When he got back home, he ate breakfast, got ready, said goodbye to his mom, and was off to school.

He made it rather early and sat down at one of the trees in the schoolyard. Many other students passed him before Airi came up to him and greeted him. "Hey, Midoriya." Izuku opened one of his shut eyes as he tried to act cool. "O-Oh, hey, U-Usui." He glamorously failed. She just giggled before sitting down beside him.

"Did you hear about that new vigilante dude, patch? Oh, of course, you did. Dumb question." she chuckled at herself. Izuku chuckled a bit as well before replying, "Yes, I did hear about him. He really has something going for him by already defeating a Yakuza leader. He must be really strong." Izuku wasn't cocky, quite the opposite. He just wanted to make it sound like he didn't know who Patch was.

"Yeah, he seems powerful though, so I don't think he'll have much trouble. It's just that, how is he not a hero, when he is that powerful but is also rumored to not be very old either. He should at least be a student or intern, right?" Airi pondered on this strangers' arrival.

Izuku was about to reply, but Haruto came up to them and greeted them. "Midoriya! Usui! Good morning~." He was clearly in a lively mood. "Well, you certainly seem excited. Why is that?" Izuku asked.

"Oh, you know. I just really love it when a new hero or vigilante is at it again. And that Patch dude seems like he'll become one of my favorites if he keeps up with his work." Haruto said. He looked like a child at a candy store. The two couldn't help but giggle at his excitement.

"Like, I agree with you guys that Patch is noble and that he is strong and stuff, but don't you think it's wrong at times? He's using his quirk illegally, and to go around and pretend to be a hero isn't exactly helping his case." Izuku asked.

"But, Midoriya, Patch is using his quirk for good..." Airi started "... and he is ultimately doing the right thing..." Haruto continued. They looked at each other before saying at the same time, "... and with great power comes great responsibility!" They gained a few laughs between themselves at the retro reference.

They couldn't talk much more though. The bell rang and indicated that classes were starting.

At UA:

Ochako walked into the classroom with a smile on her face. To be honest, she was ecstatic after the USJ, just because all of her friends survived without getting any real injury. She was especially happy about Iida being fast enough to get the teachers, and for some weird reason, that he was out of the danger zone.

Anyway, she opened the door to her classroom and walked inside. Due to her train, she was always the last one to class. Iida came up to her after he saw her enter. "Good morning, Uraraka," he greeted her with his classic hand chops. "Good morning, Iida," she replied before going to her seat.

After a few minutes of talking about the USJ and other school-related stuff like who their teacher was going to be today. Surely it wouldn't be Aizawa due to the injuries he sustained. Surely... The classroom door opened. The class turned to see their favorite sleep-deprived teacher at the door covered in bandages.

"MR. AIZAWA?!" They were shocked to see their teacher back so early. "Ugh. Quiet down. I have something important to tell you all." He walked up in front of his desk and said with -2% emotion. How is that even possible? "Your battle is not over yet." The class gasped at what he said. They imagined villains were attacking once more.

"The UA sports festival is in 2 weeks." The class fell, fanfiction style, but quickly recovered. There were some yells and hurrays that they were finally doing something normal or at least school-related. Uraraka was especially pumped for this event. It would be her time to shine and get a headstart in the hero industry.

"During these 2 weeks, there'll be no school, starting after today. I expect all of you to excel at the sports festival. Good luck, I guess." Aizawa was about to walk out but then he remembered something.

"Oh, and the principal wanted me to tell you about some guy that could be joining our class after the Sports Festival. The transfer is not completed though, so don't get your hopes up. Class dismissed." The tired teacher then zipped up his yellow sleeping bag with himself inside and started sleeping.

1-A just went on with their day and talked with each other for homeroom. After homeroom, they had English with Mic, before lunch.

Everyone had packed up their stuff before leaving the classroom and moving toward the cafeteria. They moved in a large group towards the cafeteria before getting in line and getting their lunch by lunch-rush. Kirishima and Mina suggested sitting together as it was already pretty packed in there. The whole class, except some like Todoroki and Koda, went to a table and sat down before digging in on their food. They had a light conversation about anything, really.

The topic eventually landed on heroes, and from there, debuts. And once they were on debuts, some of the students ended up thinking about that new vigilante dude that had supposedly defeated a Yakuza leader.

"Hey, guys, you all heard about that vigilante dude that managed to defeat Overhaul, right?" Mina asked. "Oh yeah, he seems exciting, especially because of the rumors that he actually defeated Overhaul. Just surviving a fight with Overhaul is manly!" Kirishima said.

Iida was having none of it. It was a vigilante and vigilantes broke the law each time they fought with their quirk. "I think he should stop already. He is breaking the law by doing vigilante work. It is not fitting for any kind of heroism." He said as he re-placed his glasses.

"Oh, come on, Iida. He saved people. At least he should get credit for that, right?" Uraraka said, sweatdropping at Iida's seriousness.

"What do you think about Patch, Bakubro?" Kirishima turned to Bakugo. "Why should I care about some wannabe hero? He's nothing but a pebble! I can also beat a weak Yakuza leader as Overhaul! I would definitely beat that Patch guy if I ever have to." Bakugo said with venom in his voice. The class just sweatdropped, before changing the topic once more.

Both 1-A and 1-C (Izuku's class in the other school (ofc)) finished their day. 1-A went on with the next weeks to train and become better for the Sports Festival. The headlight would definitely be on them since they survived a villain attack.

Izuku and his friends just went on with their 2 weeks aimlessly. Izuku would go on patrol every other day. Making a name for himself, he made some powerful enemies of both the heroes and villains. He was known as the Fixer Of Worlds: Patch.

It was the day of the Sports Festival and Izuku had decided to go out at day so he could maybe take up the work that was left by the heroes that were at the Sports Festival. He was just about to move out when he felt his phone buzz. He whipped it out and looked at it to see a message from Toshinori (he got his number when they were training at Takoba). It read:

All Might 💪: I got you some tickets to the Sports Festival. Meet me in front of gate G.

Me: Sure.

And boom, no vigilante work now. Izuku is going to the Sports Festival instead.

- - -

A/N: Sorry, not a fantastic chapter. Anyway, hope y'all enjoyed this golden trash. Have a good day/night. And sorry for taking quite a while with uploading.


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