Love and Friendship and Intimacy

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Yuri proved to be a very efficient attendant from day one. King V personally chose her with the help of Lady Hyuna. Her job was to accompany Diya from dawn to dusk or rather morning to night. She could comprehend Diya's needs even before she spoke about them. During those times when Diya felt lonely and needed a company, Yuri stayed beside Diya, making small talks with her. With Yuri by her side, Diya felt much more comfortable and less lonely.

Another person became recently close to Diya and that was Sir Jeon JungGuk. After that awkward meeting at garden, somehow they frequently encountered each other. JungGuk was an excellent companion. He was polite, well behaved and understanding. JungGuk's compassionate nature already found its way into Diya's heart. It was not love but something close to it. Diya never felt so comfortable around any other man. V always left her drained emotionally as well as physically but JungGuk always tried to make her smile and let her be herself.

Asking Yuri to bring some snacks, Diya was watching the sunset from the garden when she heard someone clearing their voice. She turned her head to look and there stood JungGuk with a pleasant smile. Diya smiled in return and gestured him to come closer.

"Hey, did I disturb you?" asked JungGuk gently.

"No...Not at all. I was just watching the sunset. What are you doing here, Sir Jeon?"

"Umm...I...I was looking forward to see you. I took a chance thinking you might be here and you indeed, are here," said JungGuk in a shy tone.

The coyness reflecting in JungGuk's tone was something so unexpected because Sir Jeon was an infamous fighter whose swords have slaughtered hundreds on the battle field. Hesitation should be foreign to a man of such stature. He should be strong, smart and able to face any situation. However, the nervousness in his voice caught Diya's attention.

An expression between surprise and amusement crossed across her face as she smiled gently and asked, "Well, why did you want to see me?"

JungGuk very nearly said because he missed Diya but at the last moment, controlled his big mouth and said, "Just because I thought I could accompany you since I'm free right now. You told me before, how lonely you feel at times."

Diya found a bout of genuine happiness wash her heart. "Thank you so much, Sir Jeon. You are really kind and caring. I feel honoured to have you as a company."

The warmth of her words touched the young knight. Again, the forbidden thought returned to his mind. What if he had never brought Diya to this cursed palace? What if he could keep this girl for himself? What if she could be his lover instead of TaeHyung's? But JungGuk quickly discarded those thoughts. Thinking of the impossible would take him nowhere. He did not want to destroy the easy friendship between himself and Diya. Also, he dared not betray his childhood friend. TaeHyung would not be able to take another act of betrayal.

Both of them were making small talks when Yuri returned with a plate full of snacks. She bowed at Sir Jeon who gave a curt nod acknowledging her respects. Diya dismissed her since she did not want Yuri to hover when she was clearly entertaining JungGuk.

While enjoying the snacks, JunGuk brought up the topic of the king's birthday. Diya had no idea that within a few days V would be celebrating his twenty fourth birthday. She was obviously caught off guard.

"His majesty's birthday? Oh...I had no idea. Will there be a birthday party?" Diya asked showing genuine curiosity.

JungGuk replied, "Yes, a huge party is organised every year by his friends, that is, us and his mother."

"His mother? I've never seen her," said Diya.

"That's because the queen mother isn't in the palace right now. She is visiting some temples in the countryside. However, she will be back for V's birthday," explained JungGuk.

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