I Wish

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Flashback continued:

The king and his close friends, that is, the Prime Minister and Imperial General of Dong Bang empire were having some time off from the kingdom and politics. Every month, they used to sit together twice and had friendly talks which did not involve any political affairs but talks about their childhood days, their families, their children. They behaved like three normal friends having normal talks who did not hold such important political offices.

The Imperial General, who was also Tia's father, asked the king, "Your majesty, are all the preparations done for our Crown Prince's birthday?"

"I've given the responsibility to the Prime Minister and his men to arrange everything for JaeJoong's birthday. I'm sure he has seen to it." The king pointed to Prime Minister, who gave a slight smile.

"Don't worry, your majesty! I've given the responsibility on my sons, Yoochun and Jimin. They have already accomplished it very nicely. Our younger generations are ready to take over from us, I must say." The Prime Minister's smug statement brought smiles on the faces of the king and the Imperial General. There wasn't a bigger satisfaction when your children start outsmarting you.

Suddenly, the king addressed the General, "How is your daughter, Tia, doing? She grew up so nicely and is so well mannered. Both my queens absolutely adore her."

"Well, she is very fortunate to have won the favor of the royal family. She is very close to the younger prince in particular. Prince TaeHyung always accompanies her and protects her. My daughter is indeed very lucky. All I wish now is to search a good family where I can marry her into," the General sighed, obviously a bit worried.

"Daughters become the worry of their fathers when they grow up!" The Prime Minister remarked. "But have you started looking for any possible matches?"

"No, me and my wife are still at the stage of discussion," said the General.

The king was silently listening till then but now he spoke up, "I have a suggestion for your daughter. It is entirely up to you though, whether you take it or not. I'm not forcing you to agree but if you give a thought to it, I would be really glad."

The General obviously urged the king to speak. After all, a suggestion coming from the king is more or less an order, even if he said it was just an informal suggestion.

"Me and my queens have always considered your daughter as our own. So, I would be very glad to welcome Tia as my daughter-in-law."

The Imperial General sat up. He could not decipher for a moment what the king said. When finally, the words sank in, he had an incredulous look on his face. "Daughter-in-law? But..."

"But what? We've known each other throughout our lives. Our families are close. Your daughter grew up with my sons. So, I think it will be a wonderful match. Nobody can suit the Crown Prince better than your daughter. Don't you also agree with me, Prime Minister?"

"I think Prince JaeJoong and Tia will make a lovely couple, your majesty," commented the Prime Minister.

The General was in a deep thought when he returned back to his abode. Indeed, lady luck had come knocking on their door. Tia would never find a better match than Prince JaeJoong. He knew JaeJoong personally as well. After all, JaeJoong was his student. Whatever he had learnt was taught to him by the Imperial General. JaeJoong was a gentleman, had great perseverance, was wise and very talented. He would be a great king in future and thus a very good match for Tia but the General wanted to think some more. The king had given him time till JaeJoong's birthday to think about the proposal. If the General agreed, the king was determined to announce it in that party itself.

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