Chapter 8

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After the whole sad moment of Alastor and Ruby he decided to take her back home just to protect her from the other demons. "Thanks for walking back to the hotel Uncle Al, you really didn't need to.," Al just looked at her and he smiled "my dear Ruby it was my pleasure to walk you back besides, I don't want you to go back to the hotel all by yourself.," Ruby just smiled and she stayed closed to him just to make sure no one gets near her. Al looks at her and he wrapped an arm around her protectively and looks around while walking with Ruby "it's alright my dear niece your safe with me I promise...," he said in a soft tone and he kept walking with her. At the hotel Vaggie, Charlie, and AngelDust were talking about things while Tina and Bean were swinging to the music "so River what do you think about the hotel?," Doll asked looking at them "I don't like this place at all it's all about being nice and all that crap...!," they huffed crossing their arms and she smiled "you,ll feel at home soon I promise you that you will," Doll said and looked at River. Doll and River hear the front door open and they see Ruby and Alastor walking inside the hotel "Ruby? where were you? I thought you were in your room listening to the radio?," Doll looked at her and noticed that she had tear stains in her eyes and looks worried "i'm fine...he just sung this emotional song...and I really needed it...I really did...," Ruby hugs her uncle Al and she smiles softly and snuggles into him while he smiles softly "hahaha! I knew you would like the song my dear I knew you would!," he smiles happily and he looked at Doll and blushed a little "oh okay anyways Charlie, Vaggie, and AngelDust were talking about something, but I don't know what they haven't told us yet...," Tina hide behind her and looked at Al and Ruby smiled at her "it's okay Tina he won't hurt you...I promise he won't...," she looked at him and slowly walked over to him and Al bent down to Tina's level of height and he smiles softly "hello my dear, you must Tina my niece always talks about you...I'm sorry if I scare you, but I just wanted you to know that I would never hurt anyone...honest...," Al looked at Tina and he opened his arms wide and she stepped back a little still scared but sh slowly walked into his opened arms and hugged him and she smiled softly and laid her head against his chest feeling his heart beat and she smiled softly "see...? i'm not that bad at all my dear," Ruby looked at Tina "how does that feel Tina...?," Tina snuggled into him "he feels so warm and cuddly...his heart beat has a rhythm to's really nice...," she smiled feeling calm as ever and Al chuckles softly and pets her ears gently with a soft gentle smile on his face. Doll looked at them and smiled a little and thinks "wow...he's really good with those kids...?," she just kept looking at them and she snapped into reality and looks over at the others, Charlie, Vaggie, and AngelDust were talking to River and Bean probably to get some questions or personal things about them and all that, which was understanding to ask them those kinds of questions. Alastor looked at her and gave Tina to Ruby "hold her for a moment would you please my dear?," he walks over to Doll and she tilts her head holding Tina "um...sure Uncle Al...?," doll noticed him walking over and smiled at him "thank you for bringing your niece home that was nice of you to do Al.," Al looked at her and he smiled warmly "of course! it was my pleasure my dear! after all she is my only niece and I don't want to lose her or let her get hurt by anyone.," she looked at him and nodded "well that's true, that's very true...," she smiled at him and looked at him "so are you sure your okay about going out tomorrow night...?," Al looked at her and he smiled softly and took Doll's hand slowly "of course i'm okay with this darling, you know that I am...," he planted a soft and gentle kiss on the top of Doll's hand and her cheek's turned bright pink and she looks away and smiles softly looking down at the floor. Ruby and Tina looked at them all shocked from what they were talking about and Ruby ears go back "wait wait wait wait wait! are you two going out on a d-date...!," Doll and Alastor looked at each other and they looked back at them "N-No Ruby were not going on a date date! Were just going out and friends that's all!," Al nodded in agreement "yes my dear niece were just going out as friends that's all nothing more than that...," Ruby and Tina looked at each other than looked back at them with a smile on their faces. When it was night time Doll walked into Tina's and Ruby's room and checked on them to see.if they were asleep Ruby was asleep, but Tina wasn't so she walked over to her bedside and look at her "Tina you alright...?," Tina looked at her and her ears go back "c-can you song me a lullaby please Doll...?," Dolled sighed and looked at Tina "alright since the others are asleep I'll sing you a lullaby...," she cleared her throat calmly and starting sing softly while she was singing she didn't notice that Alastor was standing at the doorway listening to her singing and he thought "wow...her singing is still beautiful as ever...~," he kept listening to her singing and his ears go back and feeling his heart flutter from her smoothing, gentle, and soft voice. After she was finished singing Tina was fast asleep so Doll tucked her in and kissed her forehead and when she turned around she saw Al standing at the doorway and she turned all red and felt her heart pounding in her chest and she thought "oh no it's happening again...!"

Hazbin Hotel Back Story (its for some ocs im working on) (Canceled)Where stories live. Discover now