Chapter 4

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While she was cleaning some of the tables Tina was swinging around to the music and she always had a dance partner and it was AngelDust's turn to dance with her. Somehow he was really nice to Tina she always hanged out with AngelDust even Charlie, Vaggie, Niffty, Ruby, Myself Doll, Rosie, Mimzy, and Charlies pets i guess thats what they are Razzle and Dazzle, but she mostly hangs around AngelDust. She noticed how she got along with alot of the demons down here and she sees AngelDust pick her up and and spun her around in circles "Hehehe! Weeee!," he just smiled and booped her nose "your such a cutie pie Tina," he smiles widely and puts her down and rubs her little head "awe thanks Angel!," she always had that sweet tone in her voice when she spoke "Hey Doll can you come over here!," doll looked over and seen Charlie waving at her to come over so she walked over "hey Charlie what is it?," Charlie looked around and whispered "you better hope that radio demon doesn't show up...," she just looked shocked and looks away and rubbed her arm "he's not that bad Charlie...I know Vaggie doesn't trust him and nore do I, but we have to give him a chance besides when he first came here he just met his great great great great great great great grea-!," Charlie covered her mouth "I know his great niece Ruby...," she uncovered Dolls mouth and sighs "I know you want to give him a chance and so do I, but i'm worried...what if he does something really terrible...?," she looks up at Charlie and sighs "I know, but when Ruby actually found out that she had a family member down here she was actually happy that she had someone...," she looks over and sees Ruby sitting at the table looking at the door waiting her her great uncle Al to come through that door. Doll looked at her and Charlie nods slowly "I know she wants to see him, but remember what happened when Tina first met him...she got so terrified by him she wouldn't come out of her room until he left...what if she gets scared again...?," she rubbed her arm and looked at Charlie "Charlie i'm sure Angel has that all covered I mean he's been so nice to her ever since she came here with Ruby...I feel bad for the kid tho...losing her mother when she was born her father drinking and abusing her...and killing his own child...that's sick...," Charlie nodded in agreement and looked at Ruby "so did you find out how ruby died?," Doll looked at her and shook her head no. "I only know that she took an overdose that's all I know...," She noticed Charlie's eyes grew wide and looked at her "...she killed herself...?," Doll looked at her and nodded slowly "yea...she killed herself with an overdose...she doesn't like a lot of people knowing about it...not even Alastor, Tina, Angeldust, or anyone else knows about it...only you, Vaggie and I know about it...," Charlie looked at Ruby at the table and back to Doll "oh...well I won't tell anyone I promise...," Charlie looked at her and smiled softly and sighed "okay Charlie I trust you," the two hear the door open wide and walked in was the radio demon himself...Alastor. Tina looked over and hide behind AngelDust and he looked concerned and rubbed her head gently "shh, it's okay hun I won't let him near you I promise that...," Tina just sniffled and whimpered and nods slowly "o...okay Angel...," Ruby's deer ears perked up and she got up "UNCLE AL!?," she ran over and tackle hugged her uncle Al and he just chuckled and hugged her back and rubbed her head "well hello there my dear Ruby! hows my great niece doing on this fine day!," his voice sounded liked an old 1930's radio it annoyed Vaggie a lot since he came here from time to time. "i'm doing great uncle Al!," Ruby just smiled happily and her ears still perked up high as ever Charlie walked over and looked at him "hi Mr.Alastor welcome back!" she noticed Doll was standing on the other side of the room...away from him...she knew she hated him over what he did to Mimzy and to those innocent people...she hated him, but not fully on hate him. Alastor looked up at her and let Ruby go "why hello there Doll long time no see?," she glared at him and snarled angrily "don't talk to me you radio freak...!," Al just looked at her shocked from what she just said to him "Doll what's wrong with you...?," Ruby said in a worried tone and she just looked at her and frowns and tears build in her eyes and quickly runs upstairs and into her room and slams the door and Tina even Ruby flinch by her slamming the door "....," Al grew really silent...real silent...Vaggie and AngelDust looked at eachother shocked and worried about doll they never seen her act like this before..."ill go talk to her," Charlie said and she quickly ran upstairs and ran to Doll's door and knocked on it gently "Doll...? you okay...?," all she could hear in Doll's room was sobbing and whimpering coming from Doll on the other side of the door. While downstairs Ruby looked at her uncle Al and she felt worried about him and touched his shoulder "u-uncle Al...are you okay...? why is Doll so upset with you...?," she noticed tears in his eyes and starts to get concerned "u-uncle Al...?," he looked at Ruby and sighs and sniffles softly "i-it's fine my dear...i'm alright...i'll tell you once your older...okay...?," Ruby sighed and looked down "fine...," Vaggie was concerned so she went upstairs to help Charlie to get Doll out of her room. Tina looked at AngelDust and she tugged on his sleeve gently and he looked down at her "hm? what wrong hun?," Tina's ears go down and looks at the upstairs and then looks at Alastor and then to him "did something happen between Doll and that radio demon...?," he looked at Tina and sighed "I...I don't really know Tina...I really don't know...."

(!Finished Chapter 4 and might add some of my friends characters into this story as well so yeah stay tuned for chapter 5!) 

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