Chapter 1

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Before Doll died she worked at a radio station with Alastor the radio demon himself. Her real name was Ashley N. Brooklyn, but she usually is called Doll for a nickname. She started working at the radio station when she was about 15 or 16 years old. On a one fine spring morning she got up around 12:30 in the morning to get to work. She got all dressed up and grabbed her purse and walks out of the door and started walking down the street. She usually was always there on time when they start the radio station and she was always the singer for the station which she loved to do her job. Doll was walked inside the radio station she seen Alastor he was talking to some of the workers about some things. He was probably about in his 20's so she worked with him about 2 years in the radio station which she loved working there. Doll was 18 now and she usually sung songs for the people in the town while Al tunes in with all the radios in the town and sometimes her and Al sing some songs together and let me tell you they adored their singing. He was a very nice gentleman and had very kind words to say all the time. One time on one of Doll's breaks he would always walk over to her and always says "you have a lovely singing voice my dear" or "you sounded wounderful" which I'm flattered by that. He always wears a red suit, a black tie. He has red hair with black tips in his hair and his eyes are this bright red color, but his eyes were a little creepy to her and yes she loved his charming smile, but it somehow crept her out...she felt terrified of his smile she didn't know why, but she was. She always tried to forget that feeling but she couldn't she just thought she never seen anyone smile so much she just has to get use to it.

Doll usually spends her time writing songs or singing some songs that Al picks her out to do which she doesn't mind she sometimes sings it to the crew before she starts singing for the radio and they adore her voice, but today she had something special for the group she was waiting to do this for a long while now, but now she can say her little speech to the group. She walked over to him and Al gave her a thumbs up and she walked into the other room where she sings into the mic and it goes through all of the radios in town, but before she did she pulled out a piece of paper out of her pocket and unfolds it and the crew and even Al looked confused, but she continued. She cleared her throat and began to read the note "Hello Ladies and Gentleman as many of you know i,m Ashley N. Brooklyn and I just wanted to say thank you all for tuning into our radio station," she looked at the workers "I also wanted to thank all of the workers for getting this radio station up and running doing their best job keeping it that way," the workers your touched by her words and they started to whisper about it which made her smile and she looked at Alastor and what she was about to say to him really hit him hard with the emotions.

"And Al...thank you so much for giving me this job if I never met you on that glorious spring day at the park I would've never got this job and do the one thing that I love the most...talking to these people and singing my heart out to my full content...and i would've never got to work with these amazing people in front of me...your the most kindest, helpful, caring, loyal, honest, loving, charming, and quite a gentleman...," she almost  looked like she was about to let the tears flow but she doesn't instead she holds them back. The workers were really touched by her words and one worker looked and Al and well he almost look like he was going to have a break down. Before they could say anything Doll cleared her throat one more time and sniffled softly "I-I know it's cheesy of me to say, but...without you Al I wouldn't have been here...saying these words took a lot to say, but you made my dreams come true Alastor and I thank you for that...," right when she finished saying those words and looked at him she noticed tears were actually streaming down his face and he wasn't even smiling she actually thought for a moment "did i do to much...? oh gosh i made my own boss cry...!" she felt worried about him but she had to sing the song now so Al got up and told one of the workers to take over and she seen him run down the hall and he was gone. After she finished her singing she sighed "thank you for tuning in the radio station stay tuned in for more," she quickly took her headphones off and ran out of the room and started to look for him "Al! Al! Al where are you!," she shouted and kept looking she started to think "where could he be...? he couldn't have gotten far...?" she started walking past Alastor's office and she heard cries coming inside the office and she thought "he's in here..." she walked over to his office door and slowly raises her hand and she knocks on the door gently "B-Boss...? Al...? are you in there...?," there was silence in the office, but you sighed and slowly opened the door and you walked into his office and she closed the door behind her. She looked and she seen him at his desk sitting in his chair laying his head down crying softly and she looks away and she rubbed her arm gently "hey...Al....?," he slowly lifted his head and sniffled "...i'm sorry about what I said upset you...I didn't mean to...I wanted to do that just to make you happy...," he was dead silent until he got up and walked over to her and hugged her tightly. She was surprised by this and tenses up "A-Al! what are you-!," he cut her off but putting his finger against her lips "D-Darling...there is no need to apologize...i'm not upset with you at all...!," he was sobbing through his words...she has never seen him act like this before...hardly she seen him get, mad, sad, upset, or any other kind of emotion. She frowns and slowly hugs him back while she rubs his back gently "'s okay...shh...shh...calm down...," she said in a soft, gentle tone and he looked at her and he gently put his hands on her soft cheeks  and she looked surprised and her cheeks turned bright red like a tomato. Alastor notices and he smiles and chuckles softly "my dear doll your face is so red your going to turn into a tomato," she made her looks away from him and rubs her arm gently and stutters "u-um...Al can you let go of my face p-please...?," 

(!Here is chapter 1 everyone ill be working on chapter 2!)

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