Chapter 47

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Loki teleported you both up to your room and tucked you both into bed so you could pass out for awhile. You were both exhausted after days of working on your project. Loki had barely slept either while he was keeping you company and fetching food and blood and caffeine for you.

After he'd gotten a few hours of sleep, he managed to extricate himself from your arms, though it was a difficult endeavor, since you tried to cuddle him tighter. He sighed in exasperation at your silly antics, even when you weren't awake enough to know what you were doing. "Loki?" You asked as he managed to get out of your arms.

He kissed your forehead. "I need to go speak with the team and tell them you succeeded. I'll be right back, kitten," he promised you softly.

You gave him a small sleepy smile and let him go. "Ok, noodle," you murmured and cuddled back among your pillows, blankets, and one lokibear to go back to sleep. You were too exhausted from staying up for days to stop Hydra.

Loki found the rest of the team in the common room. They were waiting for official word from you and Loki, though Stark knew something was up, since Jarvis was back to his normal operating power. "Good news, she finished the computer program," Loki told them without preamble. "Do we know where Schmidt is?" There's a dangerous glint in his eyes.

Cap nodded. "We've been keeping tabs on him waiting for Y/N to finish her project,"

"Tell me," Loki's voice was an icy demand. Stark pulled up a screen and showed the dot on the map with Schmidt's location. He was actually in the city. "Wonderful," Loki replied when he realized where Schmidt was. He looked over at Bucky with the malicious dangerous glint still in his eye. "Would you like to assist me, Sergeant?"

"Very much so," Bucky replied pleasantly.

With a shimmer of magic Loki and Bucky were both in their battle armor. Bucky looked surprised, but shrugged off Loki's use of magic. He knew that Loki was desperate to kill Schmidt to keep you safe. "I'm teleporting us to his location. Are you ready?" He asked Bucky.

"Just a moment," Bucky replied and went to the kitchen to grab a bottle of wine. He shrugged when Loki gave him a look. "He requested we bring wine when we come to call. It's rude to deny a dying man's last request..." Bucky replied innocently.

Loki rolled his eyes at Bucky's antics, but accepted it. "Fine, you appeased the soon to be dead man. May we go now?" Bucky nodded and the rest of the team doesn't know whether to approve or be disturbed that they're helping Loki kill someone. Besides Bucky, Nat, and Thor of course. Those three all understand.

Do you require assistance, brother?" Thor asked, willing and able to go help his brother kill the man who was after his love.

Loki summoned Mjolnir from his brother's side. "May I borrow this, brother?"

Thor nodded with a smirk. "Just don't lose it," he replied, typical of any older brother lending one of his toys to a younger sibling. "And where shall we tell your lady you've gone when she inevitably comes looking for you while you're away?" He asked pleasantly.

"The truth. I believe she will understand why I am gone," Loki replied. You would understand. You knew he was going to kill the man as soon as you'd finished your program. The only risk he was taking in regards to you was not taking you with him to help. Loki glanced to Bucky and put a hand on the soldier's shoulder and teleport them just outside the place the team had indicated Schmidt was in. He didn't want them to be noticed yet.

Bucky grumbled about magic, but looked less green this time he teleported. "So what's the plan besides kill the asshole?" He asked Loki.

Loki smirked at Bucky in reply. "That's actually the only thing I had planned. That and killing those that get in our way in achieving our mission,"

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