Chapter 18

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 Everyone looked over from whatever they were doing when you and Loki got off the elevator. You squeezed Loki's hand, momentarily overwhelmed by all the attention. Nat was the first one up off the couch where she'd been cleaning a gun. "Hey, sestrichka, you're looking better," she greeted you warmly, though a little tentatively, noting your slight timidity over the attention. "Boyfriend," she added, greeting Loki with a head nod.

"Lady Natasha," he replied politely.

You looked up at him. "You let them call you 'boyfriend'?" you asked incredulously. It was one thing for them to reference him as 'boyfriend' when speaking to you, but calling him that directly was a whole different thing, and not something you could easily see Loki allowing.

He shrugged. "It's better than whatever nicknames Stark comes up with," he reminded you. One of Stark's latest had been Frosty and Loki hadn't appreciated it, though he preferred that to Elsa.

"Kid, come get breakfast before the Asgardians and supersoldiers eat everything!" Clint called from the kitchen.

You stood up on your toes to kiss Loki's cheek. "I get breakfast first~" you grinned at him, teasing. "Sorry, Lokes, I'll try to save you some, though I make no promises if it's pancake day!" You teased and stuck your tongue out at him before bouncing off to the kitchen.

"Great, another nickname," Loki grumbled with a huge eye-roll, but you saw he was pleased, and amused.

"She seems to be doing ok," Nat commented to Loki softly before they followed you at a more sedate pace.

"She's not yet, but she will be," he replied more confidently on the subject than you felt.

You pretended you didn't hear them and went to see what Clint was making for breakfast. He handed you a plate of pancakes and you lit up in delight. Clint made the best pancakes. "These are for you. Don't let boyfriend steal yours just because he's a bottomless pit and pancakes are his favorite," Clint told you sternly, but you heard the joke and laughter behind his words. You grinned, nodded, and took your usual place at the diningroom table. Cap, Thor, Bruce, and Bucky were already seated.

"Morning Cap, Doctor Banner, Buck, Thor," you greeted them all as you sat. Thor was cradling his huge mug of coffee. Thor wasn't a morning person and was usually unpleasant to everyone until he'd had his coffee.

"Lady," Thor replied, too politely so he wouldn't snarl.

Cap and Bruce used your name, while Bucky addressed you as "Striga," as usual.

"Hey, Tink," Stark said as he passed your chair. "Horny," he greeted Loki with a grin, apparently this was the latest addition to the nickname game, though not a good one.

"Stark! That's not nice," you told him firmly, shocked he would be that dumb, though he was the dumbest smart person ever, while Loki looked confused, and the others besides Thor tried not to snort coffee.

"It's just a reference to his helmet..." Stark said too innocently. You glared at him.

"You know damn well it's not," you told him firmly. Stark continued to look too innocent.

"Sweetheart, why are you offended on my behalf?" Loki asked, wanting in on the offense so he could decide if he was killing Stark or how much he was killing Stark.

"Stark is being an ass," you growled in reply.

"Obviously, but what does the term mean, darling, besides the obvious connotation to my helmet?" he asked, rolling his eyes at your tiny-pixie anger which he thought was adorable. He didn't understand the double-entendre. It seemed Thor didn't either, as he was also waiting for a response.

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