"Love it! Are those for me?" Danielle asks, her eyes lighting up at all of the sparkles and fancy things in the consultant's hand.

"Of course! I was thinking that you loved sparkles so I brought some more," she says.

Danielle quickly has the heels, veil, and all the jewelry on.

"Perfect! You have to buy it!" I exclaim.

"I will! Take a picture of me in it!"

I grab her iPhone and quickly snap a picture of her on the runway.

"Don't put in on facebook or anything. Liam will be able to see it!" I tell her.

"I won't!" she calls back as she disappears down the hallway to get changed.

"Um, excuse me?" a small voice says from behind me.

I turn around to see a girl no older than 13 or 14 behind me.

"Hi!" I say with a smile.

"Are you Skylar? Liam Payne's sister?" she asks.

"Yes I am! What's your name?" I ask.

"I'm Chloe. You don't have to, but can you give this to your brother for me?" she asks, handing me an envelope.

"Of course! What's in it?"

"It's a thank you letter for him. He helped me pursue my dream of a music career," Chloe says.

"Music career? Do you have a CD or demo yet?" I ask.

"Yeah. I have a CD I made with a few songs."

"Do you have it with you? I'd love to have a copy."

Chloe's eyes light up and she digs through her purse and pulls out a CD.

"Danielle and I will listen to this on the way home. I promise," I assure her.

"One last question, can I have a picture with you?" she asks, looking at her shoes.

"Of course!" I say.

She grabs her phone and quickly snaps a picture of me.

Chloe sits down and we begin to have a conversation. Turns out her older sister is getting married and is looking for dresses right now, but Chloe spotted me and came over. I tell her about Liam's engagement, but she already knows from the media. We exchange numbers and I promise to tell Liam about her.

When Danielle comes back from getting changed and paying for the dress and accessories, she snaps a quick picture with Chloe and has a small conversation with her before we get in the car.

"That girl was nice," Danielle says as she buckles her seat belt and pulls out of the parking lot.

"Yeah, she has a CD too," I say as I pull it out of my bag.

"I wanna hear it!" Danielle whines like a little kid.

"Relax! I'll play it!" I say and put it into the CD player and it play.

A brief guitar introduction comes blaring through the speakers followed by the voice of Chloe. The jaws of Danielle and I drop.

She was amazing.

"I WANT HER TO SING AT MY WEDDING" Danielle screams.

"Danielle! Relax!" I say, laughing.

"Sorry, she's amazing!"

"Ask Liam about it," I say as we pull up to the flat.

I take the CD out of the car and we walk up to the door but find it locked.

"Key?" she asks, looking over at me.

I shake my head.

"Liam said he'd leave it unlocked for us so I left my key here," I tell her.

We go around back, only to find that door locked too.

"You've got to be kidding me!" I yell.

We split up to check to see if any windows are unlocked. I take the front, Danielle takes the back.

I begin pulling up on the windows until I hear Danielle yell for me and I run around back.

"I found a window!" she says, pointing to the open window next to her.

"Yes!" I cheer.

We climb through and land in the studio.

We walk inside towards the kitchen to find all the guys sitting there.

"Skylar?" Niall says.

"You locked the doors," I glare at Liam.

"Sorry?" he says, but it comes out like a question.

I punch him hard.

"You locked your sister and fiance outside!" Danielle exclaims.

This time we both punch him.

"Ow!" he yells.

"Good!" Danielle and I say in unison.


Hey everyone!

So I'm back in school now :( So this means 2 things.

1) I am going to be in a substitute for prison until June

2) Updates may be slow down :(

I promise I'll try to do them as much as possible, but they may start to slow down.

xoxo ~A

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