Danielle, Will, and Bailey simultaneously held up their hands with their wedding rings on them. Peter nearly choked.

"Um, congrats?" He looked at his own ring. "So, whose the lucky lady?" He boasted while drinking

"CJ." They all answered in unison

He coughed violently. "What!? Really?"

They all nodded.

"She wasn't happy about it--you having amnesia and all." Danielle interjected. "But, old feelings started to bloom and romance burned again."

Peter smiled. He had married the girl of his dreams, he was deeply honored and speechless. A single tear fell as they continued their dinner.

"Question. Do you know who took your memories?" Will asked, he shook his head.

"Where's CJ!? W-Where's my wife?"

Bailey shrugged. "You tell us. You guys had a fight, and then you both went M.I.A. News of Jamie's death must've really hurt her."

The young man nodded in acknowledgement and sighed. He couldn't sense,or even hear CJ.

[Where are you, Girlie?] He thought sadly


     Carlos and CJ were standing outside of an exclusive hotel in Ridgely. They watched as nicely dressed patrons entered, and exited. She wasn't sure why they were even there, but he assured her that it was part of her training. She looked at the clothes that she and her trainer we're sporting. With a name a fancy name like Le Diazzo, they would surely be thrown out on sight. He grabbed her hand to take her inside, but she struggled in his grasp.

"N-No, we can't go in there."

"It's fine--I'm good friends with the owner." He replied with a seductive grin and guided her inside. 

    There was a large chandelier above in the lobby. There was also a strange abstract statue next to the front desk. CJ noticed people entering a small bar and a cigar corner for those who smoked. The place was very sophisticated, it reminded her a lot of Abbie. She sighed, recalling her fallen ally. 

Carlos touched her shoulder.

"Everything alright?" He asked, she nodded

"So." She inhaled. "When does the training start?"

"Now. You worked hard today, so you should treat yourself. Neonates have the ability to survive anything, and anyone. They also possess the power of control--over practically everything. Your next test is to take something, without killing to do it."


"It's easy. Just focus on what you want, and go get it."


"Don't you want to learn?"

"Yeah, but--stealing is wrong."

He chuckled. "It's not stealing, if they don't remember you took it."

She rolled her eyes. She then noticed a couple leaving the bar. There was a woman who had on a lovely dark red sleeveless dress with gold lace.

"I-I think I want...her dress." It was like she was in a trance

"Then take it. But, try not to kill her."

CJ nodded calmly and followed the woman into the Ladies Room. Carlos followed behind her to catch the husband.

     Minutes later, she emerged wearing the dress and heels. Carlos was next in his semi-casual tuxedo. He applauded her new look, and she made a bashful curtsy. The couple emerged wearing both of the neonates' outfits, they didn't seem to notice their clothes, nor did they remember changing. They exited and the veers chuckled among themselves. He took her hand and escorted her to the bar.

CJ and Carlos sat down and ordered some drinks. She took small sips, remembering what she had told Krystal. "So, how many people have you magically stolen from?"

He smirked. "Hm, not much. I only take what I need."

She chuckled. "And I...needed this dress?"

"Oh, absolutely. Your husband will thank me."

"Doubtful, but thank you. I'll pay you back...for the dress."

"I'll put it on your tab."

She chuckled amusingly. "So, tell me about your family."

"Orphan, until I was adopted."

"Okay, tell me about the foster family."

" I grew up with brothers and a little sister. They didn't understand me at all. So, I was banished for being different. My life was pretty lonely after that."

"That...sucks. I'm so sorry."

"After that, I became a businessman, manager, and started the Asylum."

She perked up. "Well, look at how successful you are now. Your family's gotta be dying with jealousy."

He chuckled and took another sip.

(TSF 6 or The Sub-sequent Fate) Eradication #6Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang