EXTRA 3. The Ant and the Firefly

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Hi again! It's been a while... I missed you all *cries*

I'm sorry for not updating sooner. Again. I deserve to be chased by mobs with pitchforks... Please don't do that.

I'll stop here for now so you can go on reading, but there's some notes at the bottom for you to read ^^

(Oh, before I go on... I firstly dedicate this to my wonderful beta: Ruiizu_The_Strange. You have given me immense help.)


It was the next day and Tsukiko’s hope was diminishing by the minute. Though she knew that the Ant hadn’t exactly promised to come the day after he had already visited, she was still expecting his arrival and apparently, expectation was Tsukiko’s downfall. Having nothing to do, she rolled over onto her stomach from her place on her mattress and promptly groaned as the air was pushed out from her lungs.

Her room had never been this boring before. Just yesterday, after the Ant had taken his leave, she had spent the rest of the day, buried within her blankets and pillows giggling and then coughing from using her voice too much, on and off, on and off. Then she had reluctantly gone to sleep; although she wanted to stay up the whole night, playing the scene with her and the boy in her head until it was engraved, she knew that the faster she went to sleep, the faster she’d wake up and have the possibility of meeting the Ant that much faster.

Now that the adrenaline of his visit had worn off, she felt dumb. Dumb and tired. Not only had she been caught up in herself, but she had also hoped for something causing a reason for doubt to thread through.

And doubt she did.

The Ant hadn’t really promised when he’d be back at her small window again, right?

No. Tsukiko decided. He hadn’t.

Pouting, she rolled back over onto her back with closed eyes. A sigh and then she managed to quell the hope inside her. Without expectations, she would wait for the Ant 


It was a week later before the Ant was able to find himself back at the Hoshi living quarters. To say the least, he was in a nervous sweat, wondering what the little firefly thought. Would she be upset? It was probable. After all, he had taken a longer time than necessary to visit her. She might’ve even cried. Seeing how young ones like her resorted to tears when something didn’t go the way they wanted it to, the Ant wouldn’t be surprised had she lamented 

So, it was to his much surprise and shock to see the girl leaning on one side of her window sill with a nonchalant expression.

The firefly had already seen the Ant’s approach and was waiting at the sill of her window. With a hesitance Tsukiko didn’t understand the need for, the Ant made his way up to her. When the two stood eye to eye, the Ant grimaced at the vacant expression of the firefly’s.

Swallowing a lump in his throat, the Ant asked cautiously, “Are… You okay?”

The firefly’s face was at first, indifferent, but then a smile sank onto her lips --a pout taking place of her blank expression before the corners of her mouth tilted up-- as she innocently replied, “I’m okay.”

The ant breathed out a sigh of relief he didn’t know he was holding and smiled at the firefly through his long dark lashes, “That’s good. I thought you got hurt.”

The firefly tilted her head curiously, “I did get hurt.”

“You did?” the Ant asked with a furrowed brows and parted lips, “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to-“

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2014 ⏰

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