Important helper! PLEASE READ

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Okay, so I promised to write a list of the gaurdians and such to help the readers (and myself) out :) Here it is!!

Jutsus that has appeared...

Flash eye :Can summon out Tsukiko's gaurdian :Can control other people, but when the user uses this jutsu, the victim is inevitably connected to the user. (Basically, their lifelines are connected)

Flash mem :Erases the victim's memory...Max erasing limit is one day. The user can only erase one day of the victim's life and if the user is skilled enough, they can also add in new memories to replace.

I'm really sorry for the really un-original jutsu names :p

My characters that has appeared so far...

Tsukiko Hoshi (also known as Kiko Hotaru) - Hotaru, Tsukiko's gaurdian

Yoko Hoshi (Tsukiko's twin brother)

Ant (Also known as Ari... No last name.) - Shizuka, his gaurdian.

Gaurdians from the strongest to weakest... (male) (female)

1. Firefly= Tsukiko Hoshi (f), Hotaru (m)

2. Dragonfly= Moriko Shuko (m), Hitomi (f) <<[You will find out later on, but Moriko has glassy, beautiful eyes. As well as Hitomi.]

3. Ladybug= Naoko Aimi (f), Rie(f)/ Ren(m) <<[Naoko has... a split personality. Is a bit... off the rocker.]

4. Butterfly= Yoko Hoshi (m), Ryoko (f)

5. Ant= Ari (m), Shizuka (m) <<[Ari used to have no name because he was the lowest of the low... has no last name]

... Did that help a little?? Hope it did... Comment or message me any questions that you have. I will gladly answer or at least try to answer it :)

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