14. New missions

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Tsukiko POV

 "Are you sure this is okay?" Ari asked for the one millionth time.

I growled out the same answer I've been saying for the past couple minutes, "Yes, I know it's gonna be fine. Who cares if I'm not there to catch a stupid cat for a mission? It's D-rank I tell you. Easy."

"But we just left without telling anyone."

"Now, I left. Not 'WE'. I left. And you're just on for the ride."

After that the way to Hokage's office was a bit more quieter. Today was the day when I got my first mission, but because of Ari, I decided to ditch it when I heard that we were going to go catch a cat. Cats weren't my thing. They scratch. They bite. And they eat birds. That's rude. I don't like them at all. That's why I came to the conclusion that Ari and I should visit the Hokage now, since now was better than never.

"We there yet?" Ari whined out and I sighed, deciding not to answer his annoying questions anymore.

After a short while, I stopped at the tallest building in Konohamaru and turned to grin at Ari, "We're here now. Hide your antenna you freak. You're gonna scare the Hokage."

I could easily see the nervousness, seaping through Ari's skin as he hid his antennas by folding them back into his hair.. He and I could both feel the power of Hokage and if I said that I could easily ignore it, I'd be lying. Taking the quickest way up, climbing, in less than a minute, we got to the floor of Hokage's office.

I nudged Ari's shoulder when he wouldn't do anything. He looked towards me confused, and I pointed towards the door whispering, "Knock you dim-wit!"

He finally seemed to find his brain and slowly knocked three times on the door.

"Come in Kiko," a deep voice came from behind the door and both me and Ari slipped in quietly.

When we were inside, I bowed down and motioned Ari to do the same. He complied and satisfied, I stood up straight again, looking at Hokage's curious face.

"Kiko... And a face I haven't seen and been notified of before. Who would this be?" Hokage asked, turning to me, and then Ari.

"I'm Ari," Ari stated, offering his hand to Hokage.

Hokage raised his eyebrows and took his hand, "I see..."

I rolled my eyes and stepped up, "Yes, this is Ari, my childhood friend. He's from... The same village I was from and was suddenly kicked out. So... We were wondering if he could stay with me?" I asked with a hopeful edge in the end of my sentence. Hokage looked at both of us and after seeing both of our puppy dog faces, he sighed in defeat.

"Ofcourse he may stay," I was about to rejoice, but Hokage raised his hands, "He can stay, but only after a few questions. Yeah?"

Ari and I nodded.

"Good. First off, full name, so that I could put it down on paper. Then age, ninja status, and story if you feel up to it."

Ari straightened his shoulders and shifted his weight to his other foot, "Okay well, my name is Ari. Nothing more." Hokage seemed surprised, but didn't interuppt.

"Um, and I'm one year older than Hos- I mean, Kiko. So I'm 13." Ari stuttered on my nickname. He was gonna get it later for that one.

"In my village, I have already passed the school exam which was making ten clones... Pretty easy huh?" Ari smirked and Hokage raised his hands.

"Ten clones you say?" Hokage asked, shocked.

"Yes ten," Ari replied, confused, "Well, anyways, I ran away after that so I didn't get an assigned group, but I'm fine with that. Better nothing than something when it comes to that place. And... I'd rather not tell you my story. Sorry old man." He shrugged and I snickered at his 'old man' comment.

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