12. Ant is now Ari

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Tsukiko POV

"Are you seriously gonna stay in there all day Kiko?" Sakura banged on my door and I hid my ears with my pillow.

Why was Sakura at my door you ask? Well, this is what she told me while sabotaging my door, "Kiko! I don't wanna be here getting you out of bed. I'm not your nanny and neither am I your butler of some kind! I would've made anyone else go,but Kakashi was late, Naruto was out of it, and Sasuke... heehee Sasuke... Anyways, he was mad. I bet he hates you! Yeah, that's it! Anyways, get your ass out of bed so we can start the training Kakashi had for us! I'm staying here till you do!"

After that, she did exactly as she said and stubbornly stayed outside my house, yelling her lungs out and making me super agitated.

After the incident with Hotaru yesterday, I couldn't sleep a wink and when I managed to let my eyes have a little rest, Sakura comes yelling. How lucky am I.

After a little more yelling from her, I got another pillow and stacked it on top of the other already existing pillow. It did little to muffle the noise, but it was enough to help ignore her.

I was about to drift off to dreamland when the yells and the cries stopped altogether. Instead I heard quiet whispering and muffled speeches. I took off the pillows and crept out to the hallway and closer to the door, trying to listen in the conversation.

I got to the door, but the whispers remained as gibberish, so I put my ear on the door--


I open the door wide and smack Sakura across the face while rubbing my, now deaf, ear with my other hand.

"--you." Sakura finishes her sentance, lamely limp on the ground. I stick my tongue out at her lazily and look up to find Kakashi. He stared at me and sighed, as if dissapointed in me.

"You got a problem Kakashi?" I asked. Seriously. If he was going to yell at me too, I was gonna go crazy with a capital C.

"Yeah. I have a problem with you. I told you to meet the group at seven, and what time is it right now? Eight! It's eight! So, get changed and let's start the training." He growled at me.

Sighing, I leaned against the doorframe, "What if I don't wanna?" I really didn't want to go. With the ant crawling around...

"You'll fail and go back to ninja academy." Kakashi retorted bluntly, and hearing that, I swore beneath my breath.

"Really?" I asked him.

"Are you doubting my place in authority?" He raised his eyebrow and I scuttled off from the doorway, into my bed room. Inside my room, I looked around and took the closest pouch I could find, filling it in with weapons and my headband. After one last look around the room, I was satisfied. I was about to leave when I realized that I was still wearing my black and yellow lightning pajamas.

'Damnit.' and taking a nearby shorts and top, I slipped them both on. I looked in the mirror, and sighing, I tried to take care of my deathly bed head. After combing through it and trying to tie it in a hair bun, I settled for tying it to the side in a little ponytail. I slipped on my ninja combat boots that were the same red and black as my outfit. Red being my shirt, and black, being my pants. I looked at my mirror one last time, and shrugging, I strolled out of the room.

I met Kakashi in the middle of the hallway. He was sipping tea and reading a book while leaning on the wall, "Who invited you in here?" I asked while glaring. My house, my rules.

"Mm... Myself." He contemplated before answering and I rolled my eyes.

"Why? Thought I'd run away?" I joked.

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