16. The first battle with the abandoner

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Tsukiko POV

"Stop. Stop it. Stop, stop, stop, stop." Hotaru was muttering beside me while glaring at Naruto who was flinging his kunai in every direction. Why? Well, after the incidence from before, I guess he just wanted to prove that he was strong enough to protect himself... Yeah, it's not working. He's only proving to us that he's a stupid idiot. Why did I become friends with him again? Oh yeah, cause he was the most normal ninja out of all the fan-girls and the guys.

Naruto paid no attention to Hotaru and when a branch rustled near where Tazuna was walking, Naruto leaped in front of the old man and flung the kunai knife into the bush, "Take that!"

I rolled my eyes and smirked, "Naruto you idiot." As I muttered silently, nothing happened. Only silence filled the road.

From his place, Naruto stood up slowly and rubbed his head as if embarrased, "Hehe, just a rat."

"Yeah right, there was nothing there." Kakashi rolled his eye and strolled along. Everyone yawned at least once during this mission, and now it was my turn. I yawned wide and my eyes teared up a little.

"Shh!" Hotaru suddenly whispered urgently towards me and shut me up by putting his hands over my mouth. Naruto at that same moment, flung a kunai at the bushes again. Over Hotaru's hands, I glared at Hotaru who stiffened and walked towards the bush with Kakashi.

When Hotaru exchanged glances with Kakashi it that 'top secret important info' kind of way, that's when I started to worry.

I walked slowly towards them and asked nervously, "What is it?"

Hotaru turned around and held up a white bunny rabbit for me to see, "This is the problem." He told me with a gaurded expression. At first, I was confused. What could possibly wrong about a single bunny rabbit? Then I realized a crucial thing. Although it was summer, the bunny's fur was white. White fur rabbits were only found in the winter which means that this rabbit was held captive for a certain reason... To distract us..?

As soon as I thought those words, I heard a slice in the air and a surprised cry of, "GET DOWN!"

By instinct, I ducked down into a low position just as Hotaru was doing. Over top of Kakashi and Hotaru, a gigantic thick blade stuck into it and a ninja jumped on top of it.

Kakashi straightened up and acknowledged the ninja, "Well, if it isn't Momochi Zabuza kun. The ninja who abandoned his Hidden Mist colony?"

At this, Naruto straightened up as well and started to charge towards the ninja, but Hotaru stepped in front of him and stopped him, "Now now you stupid little boy. Don't just go charging into any situation. Access the grounds first." Hotaru raised his eyebrows at me.

>You too. Don't do anything rash. This Zabuza guy is on a different level. Way higher. You and I could probably work togethter to defeat him but...<

I shook my head firmly as a 'No'.

Hotaru spoke into my mind once again, >Yeah, I thought so. Still being the shy guy huh? Okay, here's the deal. You will stay out of this. No fighting him. I will protect you, but if it becomes too rough and tough, you can step in. Deal?<

I nodded my head relunctantly. Although I really did want to fight, if Hotaru says that I shouldn't, than I guess I shouldn't. Although he was my gaurdian, I evidently held a little bit more power than him; however, he had more knowledge and battle strategies than me. If he says to stay clear of this battle, than I will. Until needed...

I popped back into reality as I heard Kakshi's worried voice, "Everyone step back. This cannot be defeated unless I do this." He slowly lifted up his headband that covered his left eye and opened his eye. In his irises, there were three marks around the pupil. It was an interesting mark and if I rememember correctly, it was called-

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