13. Information and secrets

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Tsukiko POV

"You all FAILED! I can't believe you guys! Did any of you even know the meaning of this test?!" Kakashi scolded us, but I wasn't listening. I was still in shock with Ant... Erm, I meant Ari... Ari's appearance. After I remembered the test, I told Ari to go to my house. I told him the address and made him swear to tell me EVERYTHING that happened back in our clan when I came back. At first, he was relunctant to leave me, hoping that he could come with me, but with Kakashi near, I didn't want to risk uncovering my life to anyone and so I ordered him to shoo away.

He had some major explaining to do when I go home and if I had to, I was going to use my flash eye on him to get every piece of detail from him. I still didn't trust him enough and if he was a trap to lure me away from my haven, then be it, I will kill him with my own two hands. But for now, I was going to stay put, and just watch.

"You! Naruto! You didn't even build up a plan and just came at me like a raging bull! And Sasuke! You thought you were good enough all on your own, but it wasn't, was it? Sakura! You saw Sasuke and fainted! Real ninjas do not show emotion! And lastly, Kiko, I don't even know what you were doing!" Kakashi yelled. Everyone hung their heads, embarrased. I only shrugged. I had a reason not to join in the test.

"Now, can anyone tell me what the meaning for this test was?" he glared, menacingly. All was silent and Kakashi sighed with frustration.

"It's teamwork! Teamwork! Okay?" Sakura seemed to be the only person who really understood, and although I got the midst of the teamwork bit, I didn't really see the point in it when I had Hotaru to back me up.

"So, what now?" I asked lazily, "None of us passed and you can't really send us back to the academy. It would be meaningless for the name 'Team 7'"

Kakashi frowned, "Yeah, you're right... Alright, I'll give you guys another chance to get the bells! We'll have lunch first."

Naruto suddenly fist pumped, "Oh yeah! I was totally starving here!"

Kakashi raised his eyebrow at him, "Who said you were eating? Naruto and Kiko have to be tied to the stump. Naruto, for trying to eat before everyone else, and Kiko, for not even bothering to show up in front of me." After a moment of struggling, both Naruto and I were stuck against the tree. Sakura looked worried and Sasuke was stone faced as Kakashi handed both of them a box of bento.

"Wait, Kakashi sensei! I can't eat with my hands tied." Naruto whined and Kakashi pretended not to hear.

"No matter what, DO NOT FEED KIKO AND NARUTO." Kakashi said with a scary and dark aura around him. Then he left in a poof of smoke.

I wouldn't have cared for the lack of lunch in my stomach if it weren't for what was inside the bento boxes. As soon as I smelled the drifting smell of fresh baked roll cake, my mouth started watering all on its own. When I looked to the side, I could see that Naruto was drooling as well.

"Ramen~" As if in a daze, he started mumbling and I couldn't help but chuckle. In the first few silence, nothing happened. Sakura and Sasuke ate silently while Naruto and I ate our own spit.

"Geez," Sasuke finally broke the silence, shoving a few noodles into Naruto's face and a piece of bread in mine. I gratefully ate it and then glared at Sakura when she commented.

"Wait! Sasuke! We aren't supposed to feed them anything! Kakashi said so!" she complained, but went quiet when Sasuke glared.

"We need everyone to get the bells, but the chances would be low if there are two hinderances dragging us down."

"Ouch, harsh..." I mumbled, but I thanked him and ate my share. After a while, Sakura nudged her food towards us as well.

"Uh, I'm on a diet anyways." she said.

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