There's a storm coming.

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"What are you doing here?" walking hurriedly past him, "I told you I don't ever wanna see you again," She tried to walk past him but he kept blocking her way.
"I'd really appreciate it if you stayed out of my way" her eyes moved up to his after her efforts to walk past him seemed futile.
"Khloe listen, I came here to warn you. Please listen. Stop,will you?"
"I don wanna see you."
"I don't have much time!" running after her.
"I swear, Gabe. I'll call the police if you don leave."
"Just two minutes. Please, two minutes!" turning her around.
"This better be fast!" hands across her chest.

"How is Angel?"he asks,voice deepening.
Seriously, THIS was his urgent question?Since when has he ever cared how his kid was doing, or how her mother was doing. Hell, atleast what she ate and wore daily. When did he start caring about what happened that day, it was his men that attacked her anyway.
"Fuck off." walking back to her apartment.
"Khloe,wait. I don't have much time." halting her by the hand.
She bites her lower lip to stop herself from smacking him.
Don't let him get to you,Young lady!
"Out of danger."
"Out of hospital?"
"mh!" she nodded her head, It was torture having to talk about Angel and her tramautic experience weeks ago.
"Okay,listen to me very carefully. You will go into your apartment, lock your doors, pack your bags and get out of here as soon as now!"
For a moment,there was silence between them as she tried to internalize what exactly he was saying. Then she bursted into scornful chuckles,"say what now?"
"Khloe I know it's absurd to just go coz I told you to," getting closer to her, "but if you don't I swear by dawn tomorrow I don think either you or Angel will be alive. They found out about Angel a couple of weeks ago, and now they know about you and Mildred. It's only a matter of time before they know where you live; I know they'll come as soon as that happens. You have a day tops!"
"Gabe, this is stupid." turning to enter her apartment again for the hundredth time today. "I know it's stupid,but I swear if you don't do what I'm telling you to, it won't turn out a big joke like you expect it to. I know this people, I led them. I trained them, they're ruthless! What happened to Angel was a mere paper cut from them. They didn't do shit!"
It hurt to hear him refer to her only child like that,but she knew it was true.
He continued, "Listen, pack your bags. I want you out by.." glancing at his phone, "7:30. You will go to Mildred's. She has all the details about everything. I also gave her four tickets.Once you arrive,you..."
"Arrive where?"
"It's an open ticket,anywhere outside USA."
"What?!" In complete shock.
"Listen. Once you arrive you call me," pausing for emphasis, "through a burner phone."
"Okay,I have to go, I really don't have much time. Go inside and lock your doors. Now!!"
"Gabe,wait." stopping him in his tracks, he turn to look at her in exasperation, "take care of yourself." holding his nape.
He planted a kiss on her lips.
"You look so fucking good!" he said in a hurry, "Look after Angel, Khloe. Please don't let them take her away." he murmured against her lips. He withdrew after a while and started hurrying back.
"And.." she was restless.
"Yes?"he was more restless.
"How did..just go!"he made a ran but she shouted off to him at a distance, "how does all this involved Angel and Mil?!"
He turned his back to shout back at her.
"Mildred! She will explain everything to..Twarf!

For a moment Khloe blinked. Then shook with terror the next.
She made an attempt to run. Run to him. To help him. To save him.
"No,No!Run!Quick!Hur...Twarf! Twarf!
The whole world froze the second she saw the third bullet get to his head and his body dropping there lifeless. She was in the building, they would see her if she ran to him. They would kill her. And...
Again it flashed. ANGEL!
She gathered up the little strength left in her feet, and made her way up the stairs and into her apartment, fumbled with her keys and finally got in and immediately locked her door.
Heavens!They’re outside!

She pulled on her hair as she sank down, leaning against the door, she silently screamed against her legs.
He was gone. He was gone. Gabe was gone. What was she going to tell Angel? How was she going to tell her?
She could feel every fibre in her body shake.
They couldn't have seen her,could they? She was in the apartment's lobby, there's is no way they could have seen her.

Gathering all the strength she had left, she rose up, wiped her tears and hurried off to her room where Angel had been.
She found her on the bed, her beautiful green eyes wide, looking at her mother in shock.
The gun shots must have woken her up.
Damn! How was she going to explain it all to her?
"Mommy,what's wong?" the little chirp asked in her adobarable baby accent once she saw her mom struggling with all that packing.
"Fireworks!" knowing very well this little lady was terrified of fireworks and wouldn't ask to go see them.
She climbed out of bed,"Vacation?"
Khloe smiled to herself,she remembered that Angel could only pronounce 'Vacation' and 'beach' right.
Her adorable little girl had no father now.
She felt tears sting her eyes all over again.
"Oh,yeah! Vacation,honey." piling up the third suitcase.
She was going to miss her lavish apartment. She was going to miss New York. She was going to miss her work place. She was going to miss the ice-cream shop down by the street. She was leaving everything behind.
"Mommy,shtop cwaing."
"I'll try!" putting Angel's hoodie over her head, and kissing it, "Let's go!"
"Your no fuwn taday."
"Sorry baby,"
She couldn't possibly cheer up more than she had tried for Angel's sake.
The long awaited inevitable storm was coming, if it hadn't already.

So they finally leave their apartment.
Where do you think they'll leave to? Somewhere countryside, or a city?
Comment down below if you have a kid or a sibling who pronounces words like Angel does.
Hope the chapters aren't too short. Anyway, I really hope you guys are enjoying this book.
So far are you excited, sad, hopeful or disappointed about the novel? Let me know. It takes a microsecond to vote but it really means a lot to me.

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