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"Hi baby," removing her earings by the dressing mirror.
"Hi," Mil replied back,her gloomy face quite visible.
Coming to her,Khloe gave a kiss,deepening it,then almost immediately backed off.
"What's wrong?Are you not feeling okay?" caressing her cleavage, " or you're just not in the mood. " She smirked,teasing her playfully.
"Of course I am.Sorry,"connecting her lips with Khloe's.
Khloe deepened the kiss ,then stopped again.
"No,there's something definitely wrong.You don't seem happy.Talk to me."
She took her hand and dragged her to the bed.
"I saw the two of you.I was there when you kissed him." Mil blurted out and watched her girlfriend's eyes grow wider.
"Oh,God" Khloe buried her face and swiped back her hair,"Mildred, I'm so sorry,i don't know what.."
"I.. slept with.. Mike.Again" Mil stuttered,taking in a sharp breath readying herself for one hell of an outburst.
There it was.
"I'm sorry,but I also think I have feelings for him."she whispered,and for some moment she thought Khloe hadn't heard her because she froze.
Oh my God,is she having a stroke?
Her eyes travelled to the bed side drawer where her phone,contemplating whether to call 911 or not.
"Why are you talking about it like you're so proud of it."

"What,No." liar

"Why are you even pissed, don't we have an open relationship?"

"But I told you last time that I don't like him around you!"

"Do you ever like anybody around me?!"

She took a moment to breathe,not wanting this to escalate, "We agreed that if any of us doesn't like the person,no sleeping with them."

"If i wanna fuck him,I'll fuck him! You're not the boss of me,"

"And let me guess,you'll fall in love with whoever you want too."

"I seriously don't understand you right now,you kissed my brother!For Pete's sake,we said no family!"
Khloe looked down anxiously.
"God forbid you sleep with him. "
Khloe avoided her eyes. She did that whenever she was hiding something.
"Khloe?" Mil asked slowly, "You didn't sleep with him, right? "
Khloe nervously looked her in the eye,"No,"

"Oh my God,you've been sleeping with him haven't you? "
Dear Lord,i have indirectly slept with my brother.Fuck,I've kissed him through her lips multiple times by now.Incest!!Oh,Holy Mary mother of God, forgive us our sins for..

"No,it was only today." bowing her head further down.
"Wait,just now?!"
"You piece of shit!" wiping her mouth frantically, "And you didn't even dare tell me i was kissing my brother when you came in."
She felt sick to her stomach,one look at her brother rn and she would throw up all over the place.Hell,she would throw up all over New York!

"Don't you dare make this all about me,you lied to me too."

"Yes i did.And it was the most amazing thing but i hate it and myself after it all happened.And do you know why?Because I betrayed and cheated on you. I came back to find no one in the house,I cried all night but you didn't even bother showing up. Was your excuse for a late night shift so you can go to his place?You're disgusting!!"

"How dare you! I made a mistake, that's far from what we can say about your situation!"

"Why does it matter?We both made a mistake."
"People make mistakes,but yours was cleared planned for," she tasted bile "Or tell me,huh? What do you expect when you go to a man you've ever slept with late at 9:00 pm and you're in the office alone.Tell me what happens!"
"Don't blame me for last time,I already said I was sorry. You said you would forget about it."
"Well I'm so sorry baby, because that's not what happens when you sleep with him again.God knows the ridiculous excuse you have this time."
Having said that, she stormed out of the room, having had enough with her today. She couldn't believe Mil was developing feelings for that sick egocentric bastard of a boss who was clearly using her.

How could she not see it?

Hi guys. Hope you guys enjoyed reading. I am very happy to be doing this and entertaining you guys. Kindly vote,share and comment your favorite part.
Okay,completely out of contex:
So my 5 year old cousin came to visit for a few days.So while watching TV he comes to me and says:
"Knock knock?"
"Who's there?"
"Goliath who?"
"Go lieth down,you looking tireth."
😂😂It was such a bad joke but i laughed anyway to make him happy, and besides he is so cute you just have to laugh at everything he says.❤I love him so much.
Anyway,do you like this book,is it amazing?Does it suck?Let me know.

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