Chapter 12- Of Wine and Stretchers

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A/N- To set another mood chapter 'As I am'- Goo Goo Dolls! I think it's time to add some color to Kayla and Ratchet's new relationship. Enjoy the fluffiness!

Disclaimer: I do not own Transformers, as much as I wish it were true. Amy and Kayla are MINE! :)

On with the show!


Ratchet had stayed silent during the drive, causing Kayla to wonder what he was up to. They had left the base 30 minutes ago and she was hungry! Ratchet was driving off road, sliding through the sandy dunes to an unmarked scene in the distance.

When the ocean finally came into view, Kayla noticed something laid out on the beach side. A large towel? It stood out against the reds and yellows of the sky as the sun burned a dull orange on it's last bit of life before extinguishing into the ocean.

Ratchet pulled to a stop behind the towel and popped her door as he moved to the back of his alt form. Kayla slid out of the seat and kicked off her boots and socks as she let her feet wiggle around in the sand. She set her boots next to Ratchet's front tire and walked around the blanket, studying it's red color.

Ratchet came out the back of his alt form with a basket in hand and Kayla blushed lightly. He couldn't be planning what she thought he was, was he?

Ratchet set the basket in the middle of the blanket and set himself on one side "Ready for dinner?"

Kayla's heart skipped a beat and and she slowly nodded, sitting herself catty corner to Ratchet and the basket. "Um.. sure..."

Ratchet's gaze locked onto hers and he tilted his head, taking in her nervousness "Are you okay? Your blood pressure seems to be rising alarmingly."

Kayla's shoulders dropped and she laughed nervously "I am okay, but are you?"

"All systems functional and my energon levels are near 98 percent." He said as he brought out two wine glasses and flashed the red wine bottle.

Kayla rubbed her neck "Um, that's not exactly what I meant."

He gazed back at her curiously "Ah, I assume you referring to my change in behavior then?"

Kayla could only nod. Ratchet hummed as he poured a bit of wine into both glasses "I have read that this is the way to gain a human femme's attention. Am I correct?"

Kayla blushed"Y-yes, this is one way."

He handed her one of the glasses with an arched eyebrow and smiled one of his straight, perfect smiles "Is it working?"

At this, Kayla took a large gulp of her wine, then looked to the sky shyly. She felt like she was back in high school, the butterflies racing around in her belly at ever look he gave her. She savored the taste of the wine a moment longer, willing to make this dream come true last just a bit longer. If it wasn't real, she didn't want to wake up anytime soon.

She glanced back at Ratchet, who was staring at her intently. She couldn't fool him, she knew, he could sense the slightest change in heart rate, blood pressure, he could smell arousal. Who was she fooling if she lied? Neither of them, that's who.

She leaned back and held her body up with an arm "Yeah, it's working. Has been since we met."

His eyes glew a bit brighter and he smiled gently "Good."

He pulled out a fork and some spaghetti for one, laying it before Kayla. He had heard that spaghetti was a wonder food for human courting, but he couldn't figure as to why. When he had looked up the reasoning behind it, he had found pictures of Italy and animated dogs... humans are strange..

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