Chapter 11- Naked

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A/N- Just to be safe I will warn you: This chapter is where the 'M' starts, you have been warned. From here on out, it will be random and sexy goodness.

Disclaimer: I do not own Transformers, as much as I wish it were true. Amy and Kayla are MINE! :)

On with the show!


Optimus hummed in thought as he knelt down in front of me, his optics locked onto the spark balanced on his finger. Jazz's spark sent through thoughts, memories, and fragments of words as he tried to explain, in his own words, the same thing I just had.

How Primus had stolen me away in my dreams and given me Jazz's soul for safekeeping.

I was the only one who could feel his emotions as they burned through me. His excitement made my knees weak as he gently prodded me to lay his spark upon his leader's finger as I had Ratchet's. Oddly, his spark could not be separated from my body. When I had tried to pull the chain from my neck, Jazz's spark clenched in agony and in turn, sent fresh pain coursing through me.

So here I stood, holding Jazz's spark to Optimus as I listened to Jazz's side of the story.

I could feel his shrug "Next thin Ah knew, Ah was standin before the doors tha led meh to Amy an Primus."

Optimus shuttered his optics and smiled "It's good to know Primus lives. I'm glad he is lending a hand in this."

He nodded to me and I slowly slid the spark gently from his finger and held it to my chest, a habit I seemed to have picked up as I kept it safe.

Optimus' smiled turned into a slight frown "I must go now, I need to speak with Sam on recent developments. I wish to speak with you later on the matter, Jazz."

A familiar hum vibrated the spark in my hands "Of course, Prime."

I nodded to Optimus, who bowed his head slightly to me before walking out of the room. I sat alone in the empty med bay and stared at all of the photos I had pasted up onto the walls. My eyes rested on the pictures of Jazz any myself and I sighed.

He sent love through my mind 'Ah'll be back soon, sweetspark.'

"You had better. I've been going crazy without you."

I could feel his cocky smirk 'Ah know. Yer startin to hear voices.'

I laughed as I lightly ran my fingers long the edge of his body's black visor. I drank in all of his details, every dent every scratch. I stared long and hard at his visor, remembering when he had crawled out of that fire pit, his bright blue optics uncovered and gleaming with interest. I missed seeing them bright with life when he laughed, white when he... I blushed lightly and I felt my heart ache painfully.

Jazz's sadness swept through me 'Ah should have stayed by yer side."

I shook my head and lightly rubbed the spark "No, it wasn't your fault." My mind flashed to Megatron's face as I remembered his red optics fixed on me as they dimmed. The sight haunted me as much as it made me feel better. "It was his."

I felt Jazz's hands touch my face gently 'Neva do tha again, okay? Tha was dangerous."

"But needed."

'But still dangerous.'

I sighed and smiled "I won't have to, he's long gone."

Jazz didn't say anything more on the subject. I finally slid myself off of the medical berth, turned off the laptop, and left the room. I was hungry and a stinking mess.

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