Chapter 16- Of Love and Engines

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The sun on this planet really sucks. It's too bright and very hot, not even trees live out this way. Why would Optimus want to make a base in a region that resembled Charr?

"Well, this is the place." He sighed.

The red mech slowly made his way up the short sand dunes and to the hangars Optimus had told him about. He shook his pedes lightly and sand filtered out of his speakers. 'Gross...'

His mind was elsewhere, listening to the rich new music Earth had to offer. He didn't even hear his green travel buddy yelp for him to stop when he came close a certain area of the base.

His gaze flicked to the open hangar doors in passing. His eyes widened momentarily and his pedes stopped moving on their own accord. Maybe he shouldn't have stared, maybe he should have looked away and pretended not to see. He knew for certain that he should have kept walking rather than announce himself.

"Hey! There's a party goin on in here and I'm not invited? What a load of crap!" He regretted opening his big mouth as soon as Jazz's gaze was upon him.

Oh brother.


I squealed in shock, all the boys were suppose to be locked up!

My optics locked onto the Nissan and my body transformed on it's own accord. It felt funny, not painful as I had imagined. I felt more stable on four wheels but my only problem was I couldn't move. Which was partially good because I really didn't want to.

If anyone asked at this time I would deny the nervous clenching of my stomach and the deep blush that was undoubtedly there. Thankfully, everyone's attention was on the newcomer and not on my shivering form.

Jazz's helm had whipped around rather quickly and his armor had raised lightly. His lips had twitched into a slight frown that was hard to see, but picked up as soon as he made optic contact.

"Hey Blastah! Nice ta see ya again but, would ya mind..." His stance changed and he stalked towards the mech in question "GETTIN THE FRAG OUT?!"

Blaster backed up slightly, hands raised as he nervously looked around for an escape "Aight, no need to get rust in your aftplates. Which way do I need to go?"

Kayla decided to make her appearance known then "Um, I think it's too late Jazz. She's already taken her new alt mode."

All optics turned to my alt form and I inwardly cringed. I was hoping the attention would be off of me for a while longer. Alas, it was not to be. I could 'see' everyone staring at me curiously as Elita-1 smiled proudly "I knew you'd have the sense to pick mine! A nice first alt mode won't last."

I couldn't speak just yet, the overwhelming sense of embarrassment overriding my normally happy self. If I could have I probably still wouldn't have told her I had planned on picking the Porsche. As I got to thinking about it, I wondered how badly she expected me to damage my first alt mode. Would if be similar to a new driver?

A knock on the hangar door caught our attention. A forest green mech stood at the door with his back facing inwards. His servo waved in front of his frame as he shook his head "I won't even ask how much damage you did to Blaster. Which way to Optimus?"

Jazz's armor had finally returned to it's normal state as he sighed in defeat "Two buildin' s ovah. Take this Glitch wit ya an we'll catch up later."

The green mech pat his leg armor "Thanks. C'mon Blaster. Stop embarrassing the new femme."

Blaster sighed, shoulders slumped as he turned around and headed to the door "Aight Hound." Just as they turned the corner, Blaster looked back with a slag eating grin "By the way, nice engine!"

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