Chapter 15- Reflections

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The darkness engulfed our forms in silence, but we could feel one another easily enough. His consciousness brushed against mine and I could feel his hands upon my shoulders.

I sat on Jazz's abdomen plates as his chest sat open before me. For me and me alone. The thought made me smile and his spark beat against my chest in anxiousness. I had to move his spark from my chest to his own in order to start the process. The problem is, I don't know what's going to happen when I do. "Last time, this hurt a lot..." I whispered, worried.

'It doesn' matter. It has to be done.'

Doubt still lingered in my mind as I fiddled with the chain around my neck. I didn't want this to be more painful than it absolutely had to be. I felt Jazz's hand upon my own and his relaxed state 'We made it this far. Let's finish it.'

Nodding in agreement, I took in a steadying breath and carefully slipped the chain from around my neck. Jazz's mind left my own and I panicked slightly. There was no pain, but the Matrix of Leadership burned a white hot before me. Something told me I needed to be swift, so I was.

I reached out and gently placed the small spark within it's chamber and positioned myself before him. With shaky hands, I reached for the Matrix. It warmed my hands like a towel right out of the dryer and I hummed. This might not be so bad.

I calmly hovered over Jazz's chassis and felt the warmth from the matrix envelop my front.

I pushed myself lower to Jazz's spark and touched the Matrix to my chest, right above the heart. Blinding pain erupted behind my eyes and I let out a moan of agony.


Optimus walked into his new office and his optics roamed the quaint office. It was lacking in space, but it would do for the small amount of time he would be spending in it. His fingers brushed against the Cybertronain styled chair and he smiled lightly. He had to hand it to the twins, Skids and Mudflap could sure craft some fine furniture.

A hand grasped his own and he turned slightly to look at Elita1. Her blue optics were set on his own and a small smile adorned her flawless face. His sparkmate. He squeezed her hand gently and let go so he could pull her into an embrace. The night of his revival, he had promised to manage his time with his duties better. He needed to stay by his spark mate while her spark healed from the damage of his temporary offlining.

When they'd asked Ratchet about it, he had mentioned that if it had waited another night she would have been gone. Her spark was covered in small fractures that weakened her strength. He could feel it through their bond.

Optimus kissed the top of her helm and smiled "Let's return to berth."

She offered no resistance as he pulled her behind him back to their room. Their frequent spark merging was as much for him as it was for her. She took some of the pain away with each merge, clearing his thoughts and taking the heavy weight from his spark. He had shared with her how he killed the Fallen, how he had ripped the mech's face off and thrust his servos through his chassis. No mercy, no regret. It scared Optimus that he might become as heartless as the decepticons they were fighting.

'But, that's why Primus made spark mates.'


Light flashed around me as I came around. The pain had lessened and I was floating in dark area resembling space. Only, the things I thought were stars, were actually fragments of Jazz's memory. Giant glowing crystalline shards of all colors and various sizes. The different facets held new pieces of memories which shifted as they turned, flashing from the light of a distant, unseen star.

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