Chapter 18- White and Blue

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Warning: Sex at the end of this chapter. Skip if you don't like, it adds no story content whatsoever. 


Kayla woke lazily not fully opening her eyes as she stretched her limbs. Her hands touched cold metal and a shiver ran up her spine as she pulled her hand back from the railing. Finally opening her bleary eyes she realized she was still in Ratchet's cab and his holoform was nowhere to be seen.

Kayla rolled onto her side happily as she recalled the events of last night. He refused to give up on their relationship even though she couldn't provide him with either sparklings or a true bond. The thought alone was enough to warm her belly and make her toes tingle. She dozed for a few more minutes before deciding to get up from her warm comfy spot. Tiptoeing across the floor she opened his door gently and quietly and exited his sleeping form.

She wandered around the room and picked up what garments she could find and put them back on. As she slipped her pants on she heard Ratchet grumble as he started to wake up.

Kayla wandered to his hood and ran her hand down it "Good morning."

His form seemed to shake slightly as he onlined completely and sighed "Good morning, Kayla."

Kayla let out a small growl as she arced her back and let it pop then sighed in relief. "I'm sorry if I woke you, I was just gathering my clothes."

His holoform appeared next to her and he took in her still topless body with a raised eyebrow "Now why would you do a thing like that?"

He stepped closer to her and bundled her in his arms as he lightly kissed her neck. Kayla sighed and melted into the warm touch as she wrapped her arms around his torso and placed her forehead on his shoulder. Kayla silently vowed that she'd never forget just how lucky she was to have him around.

He began to kiss lower and she smiled, pulling away from him. He looked back at her with confused eyes as she explained "A few more minutes won't hurt but... I want to see the real you."

His gaze clouded over and he smirked, his body transforming beside them.


After dropping Kayla off at her room, Ratchet headed to the med bay to start the work he put off last night. He had a slight bounce in his steps now, his helm feeling less cramped and his spark lighter.

He opened the med bay doors and instantly the normal hard stare returned and his lip components set in a firm line. Sideswipe slept on the medical berth, his non attached arm drooped across his chassis, leg off the berth, and mouth open as he snored quietly.

"What in the name of Primus did you do?!" He barked as he stepped closer to his tools.

Sideswipe woke with a start and gaped at him wide optic'ed "What, huh?!"

Ratchet fingered through his tools, searching for something specific. He held up a servo in dismissal. "You know what, never mind. You probably deserved it if you pranked Ironhide again."

Sideswipe pouted "That's harsh, Hatchet." He yelped when a muttered "That's not my name." followed the wrench that indented the side of his helm.

Ratchet turned around sharply with his selected tools in servo and growled as Sideswipe continued "All I asked was for him to check out my blasters since they weren't working... How was I to know they would fire pink energon?"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2016 ⏰

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