Chapter 5- Danger!

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Disclaimer: I do not own Transformers, as much as I wish it were true. Amy and Kayla are MINE! :)

On with the show!

My eyes widened and I took a step towards her "Kayla...?" She was the last person I expected to see in this world. Kayla turned to face me and her eyes brightened "Hey girlie, Vegas is nice, dont'cha think?"

My mouth opened and closed like a fish gasping for air, I had no words to explain how I felt. I felt Jazz's finger on my back as he pushed me towards her, and I took off. I flung myself into Kayla's arms and I laughed so hard I cried. How I missed my best friend so much after just two days was beyond me.

Kayla pat my back and rocked us "How are you here?" I dared to ask.

Kayla scratched her head under her hat "Well, I didn't quite trust that fucker, so I followed ya'll up to El Paso.. Where I ran out of gas." Brightening she stepped back and pat the yellow bot on the footplate "Luckily this big guy was following close by, and offered to give me a ride. Apparently he'd been following me in case of a... er... decepticreep.. showed up."

I looked to the large yellow medical bot and waved "Thank you for picking her up."

The bot nodded back and crossed his arms over his chest "It's no problem. I couldn't just leave her stuck with 'Cons around."

"Jazz, you seem to have brought a parasite. Shall I terminate?"

I stiffened as I saw the red-white glow to my left. I heard a low engine rumble and Jazz growled lightly "Don' even think bout it 'Hide." My heart beat faster, I realized I've never seen Jazz truly upset. Not until now. His visor had darkened to a royal blue, his face set into a slight frown.

"I was just kidding," The mech shrugged and turned his cannons back into hands "Besides, we all know better." At that I sent a curious stare to Jazz, who I could tell was glaring at the black mech. I then looked to Kayla, who only shrugged with a small smile. Was I the only one missing something? After a moment of glowering at the trigger happy mech, Jazz finally relaxed and crossed his arms in front of his chest.

The churning of gears brought my focus back to Optimus who was now kneeling in front of the two children, keeping his balance with his hands placed on the ground. His face leaned towards the children, so close they could probably touch him had they reached out.

"Are you Samuel James Witwicky, descendant of Archibald Witwicky?"

The boy seemed shock and the girl leaned in closer to him "They know your name..." Sam stared at Optimus "Yeah?"

Optimus took that as a confirmation and continued "My name is Optimus Prime. We are Autonomus Robotic Organisms from the planet Cybertron."

The yellow bot from earlier waved his hand in a non-chalant manor "But you can call us Autobots for short." Sam nodded slightly and whispered back "Autobots."

Optimus nodded his head to Jazz "My first lieutenant. Designation, Jazz."

Jazz gave a short wave "What's crackin, lil bitches?" He turned to sit on a nearby car, crushing it under his weight as he crossed his legs and set his hands behind his head. "This looks like a cool place ta kick it." He struck a pose, hoping to earn a smile from me. I covered my mouth as the kids stared at him in shock and I barely contained my giggle.

Sam seemed bewildered "What? Where did he learn to talk like that?"

Optimus hummed "We're learned Earth's language through the World Wide Web." I nodded my head at the thought, that would explain Jazz's optics changing colors, he was gathering data when they dimmed.

FirefliesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora