Chapter 6- Fireflies

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A/N- Just watched the fourth movie, AoE, and cried like a little baby... twice :( My poor Ratchet! Michael Bay better be bringin these dead Autobots back, he's made a huge mistake killin them all off!

Disclaimer: I do not own Transformers, as much as I wish it were true. Amy and Kayla are MINE! :)

On with the show!

We were now on the roll, following the black vans that held Sam and Mikaela hostage. Bumblebee was tracking radio signals between the vans and their headquarters and relaying the information over their comm link. Jazz stayed quiet as he listened to Optimus' orders on how they were to catch the main van. I stayed silent as well, providing a comforting hand on his steering wheel and tracing patterns in a soothing manner.

I pondered my attraction to the silver mech, sure, I had instantly been interested in him since he was an alien, foreign to this world. Now though, I wasn't so sure that was the only thing keeping me here. Scratch that, I know it's not the only thing. Somewhere along the road trip I started to feel safer than I ever have before, and in turn, I have grown happy.

As I traced the Autobot symbol on his steering wheel once more, his engine revved and his voice held a softness in it as he chuckled "Ah'll need ya to stop that, Ah can't drive straight!"

I bit my lip and blushed "Sorry Jazz, I've just got a lot on my mind."

His frame rumbled momentarily "Ah understand. Ah jus don't wanna crash with ya in here, Ah'm s'post to be protectin ya."

Another 5 minutes went by before Jazz revved his engine and took off down a side street behind Bumblebee. I watched the road cautiously for any signs of the black vans that held the two kids hostage. We pulled to a stop underneath a bridge a few minutes later and they turned off their headlights. Jazz's seat belt tightened around my form in anticipation "What are we doing?" I whispered after a few moments of sitting tense in my seat.

"We're gonna jump um when Optimus blocks um off." Jazz whispered back. "Oh."

I looked to our left and saw Optimus idling off the side of the road with Ironhide and Ratchet flanking him. I wondered how she was holding up. Giant mechanical robots from another world is probably her personal fantasy, to be honest.


Kayla's mind wandered to the past few days of travel. Ratchet was really nice to her, even letting her listen to the comm as the Autobots shared information as they traveled. She had laughed like a mad man when she overheard bits and pieces of Jazz's obvious liking to his washing. Ratchet blushed as he growled out "She's overloading his processor."

Kayla blushed "You mean she's... turning him on?"

Ratchet scowled "Yes, that would be the appropriate Earth term."

Ironhide growled through the comm :I'm going to offline that femme when I see her if you don't shut up!:

Jazz suddenly became serious :Ah'd like ta see ya try to get close to my femme.:

Ratchet scowled and turned the comm on silent "Alright, that's enough of that."

Kayla was too focused on the matter "He loves her? Is that even possible?"

Ratchet tilted his head to her "Of course, it has happened before many vorns ago." His face pulled down into a frown "But, this is no time to be chasing spark mates, we are in a war."

Now, Kayla couldn't help her thoughts as they traveled to Ratchet, his perfect holoform sitting in the driver's seat. His attire resembled a doctor with his white coat and semi dressy outfit. His glasses sat delicately on his nose as they came close to touching the short, blonde scruff of his beard and mustache. His musky scent was overwhelming in the large vehicle, she wanted him, and he could probably smell it.

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