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I never thought this would happen,

There was an egg Which almost all of you might have known. Came to Wattpad on 24th Feb, It was loved and supported by many people all over wattpad. The egg had a dream! It Had an amazing plan Which would have helped many unnoticed gems on wattpad gain popularity. It had already began helping many people. The first book was about to be released as soon as it hits 1000 followers.

The Mission that the egg had in mind was hard to achieve but many people came forward and consoled it that they'll help him achieve what he aimed at.

It was 3rd March the egg woke up. Nothing seemed fine. Everything was dark. It searched for people who supported, shouted for help but no one heard it. The egg felt lonely just a night ago it was surrounded by over 400 people helping it achieve it's target. A day passed and no one came. Never had it felt so lonely And it Cried...

So Wattpad has deleted the account because it 'Violated some terms and conditions' which still remains unknown.

There are Few other Profiles which help In Any Problems faced by A Wattpad user ranging from getting famous to Problems related to bullying.

1) We Unite

They are there to work for the betterment of the wrong ongoings in general. They are working to help those with lesser reads get more of them, help those going through tough times by listening to them and hopefully working with them to find the solutions to their problems, spread happiness, love, and inspiration.

They will also work for people going through difficult times personally. For example, if anyone is being bullied or needs friends, they are always there. :)

You can even apply for the community if you are willing to!

2) Epic Together's The anonymous Journey

Let Yourself out without being JUDGED or KNOWN.
you might be tired of telling the same story over and again, tired of listening its ok and other problems. They are here to solve those problems

You will have the Password to this account And you can Login and publish your work without anyone knowing your identity

They want to encourage people in their struggles and let them know there is a hope through the midst.

"You can login to this account and write here whatever you want. Whatever you are feeling, be free to speak because no one, not even us will know who is writing.So you login, make a new draft, and write in it whatever you want or feeling.

You can share funny moments, anything u like. Put a smile on the reader by putting something happy. So, plz if anyone has a funny story, poem, qoute share here. Make someone smile, You will smile more. Make someone happy, happiness will reach you ten folds.

So the purpose of this book is to:

- We-Unite

Wattpad too has it's own Official page. The details of which you can check here;


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