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(7958 words)


28 minutes gone and Miss Fatima was nowhere to be seen near the door.

Ciara couldn't believe it but she was going to lose and that has never been an option for her.

"You're scared." Andrew said as he jotted down something in his book, from his Chemistry textbook.

"You seem to be enjoying yourself, don't you?" she stated and he chuckled.

"It's not everyday you get to see the Purple Queen panic. So, yes. I'm enjoying myself." He smirked at her then continued reading his book.

At exactly 30 minutes into the class, Andrew smiled at the door as Miss Fatima walked into the class.

"I'll get my payment after the class." He whispered into Ciara's ear before standing up with the others to greet the teacher.

Ciara sat glued to her seat, trying to recover from the goosebumps Andrew's voice had sent crawling over her skin.

"Where's Ciara?" Miss Fatima asked and almost everyone pointed to the back where Ciara was still seated in shock.
"What's wrong with her?" Miss Fatima asked no one in particular.

"Ciara, darling. What's wrong?" Miss Fatima called but Ciara didn't hear her.

Andrew stared down at her and tapped her shoulder before she jerked up from her seat.

"What's wrong dear?" Miss Fatima asked in a sweet calm voice.

"Nothing." Ciara answered and gave a tight lipped smile.

"Oh." Was all Miss Fatima could say.


"So who is Ciara and why is this bag so important to her?" Andrew asked once Miss Fatima was out of the class.

"You don't forget things easily, do you?" Ciara turned on her seat.

He shook his head with a smirk on his face.

"Well, this bag is very expensive and it took me weeks to beg my mom before she finally agreed to buy it for me." She explained.

He raised a brow at her. "That's it? The money value and the time it took you to beg her?"

"It's not just that. It is one of a kind and she won't get me another one that easily. If she finds out I lost it to Jessica, that would even be worse. She doesn't like me sharing my stuffs with anyone."

"So the bag is important to your mom, not you?"

"Are you even listening?" She asked, already getting upset.

"You still haven't told me why this bag is important to Ciara. You've just been telling me why it's important to your mom."

"Say whatever you want. I already told you what I had to tell you." She would never admit to him being right no matter how much sense what he said made.

"If you say so." He raised his hands in mock surrender.
"So who's Ciara?"

"Ciara... I..." She couldn't make a complete sentence so she heaved out a sigh and for once admitted she didn't know.

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