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"The D&D company still haven't sent in their team manager, so-"

"Call off the deal." Matthew states, firmly with no emotion whatsoever.

"Sir." Alice, his Personal Assistant says, taken aback by his order.

Alice was a 26 year old 5"4 with very short hair that complimented her round face. She wasn't chubby or lean and was always dressed to work professionally in her suit attire.

"I said, Call off. The deal. Since they can't show commitment to this project, it means they are not reliable." he keeps walking and she follows, almost out of breath while trying to keep up with his longer legs.

Her heels weren't helping matters at all.

"But sir, the money that has been invested into this project-"

"Should be refunded BACK to us." he states and stops walking, turning to Alice who stops on her tracks, startled.

"Is there a problem here?" he leans in a little, towering over her, his intent gaze daring her to go against him.

She gulps and shakes her head, vigorously. If she had shook it any longer, it would have fallen off.

"No, sir. I'll call them to get the message across." she whimpers, taking a step back.

"Good." he stands straight and pulls at his shirt firmly before continuing his walk to his office.

"Sir." she calls but he doesn't stop walking.

"Sir, the Chairman wants to see you." she mentions and he stops walking before turning his head to look at her.

She gulps, her heart beating hard in her chest. Three years with this man but she still couldn't comport herself under his eyes. They scared the hell out of her.

"Where is he?" he asks.

"He said you should meet him at home."

He groans silently in frustration, one hand to his face, the other in his pocket.

"OK. I've heard you. Anything else?" he asks, his eyes at her. She shakes her head and he tells her to get his car ready.

She leaves, hiding how happy she felt to finally escape his presence.

He proceeded to his office to get his phone while grumbling to himself.

His father always seemed to find any and every excuse to talk to him. They were close. There wasn't a problem between them but it was annoying to have to be called out of the office every now and then by his father or his mother.

His mother was even the worst. One time, she had declared an emergency situation telling him to leave the meeting he was having with his staff and meet her at the salon.

He did as she said but when he got there, he realised the emergency situation was a trap to go on a blind date with yet another lady he refused.

"Clear my appointment within the range of one hour from now." Matthew tells his secretary after calling him into his office.

"But sir, Mr. Lekan-"

"Mr. Lekan can wait. One hour is more than enough for Mr. Lekan to waste my time while goofing around with women other than his wife. So, clear. My. Appointment." Bolu, the secretary is cut off by Matthew's firm demand.

"Yes, sir." Bolu answers immediately, not wanting to go any further in countering him.

"Good. You may go." Matthew orders and without a word, Bolu scurries away.

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