Gizmo is an asshole, but he's my asshole and only I'm allowed to call him that. No one says mean things about my baby.

"Yeesh, calm down. Don't talk smack about your fat fur child, point taken. Look, the reason I called, you're still coming tonight right?" he asks, in no way making it sound like a question or I have a choice in the matter, but more so reminding me I can't back out.

Dammit Frankie, I thought we'd been over this, why is he so insistent about it? He knows what I'm like.

That's probably exactly why he's doing this.

I sigh, rubbing my temples "Look... Frankie, I know you really want me there but you know I'm not real big on people-"

"Drew Sawyer if you try and bail on this party, like you do with every other single thing that doesn't involve that damn dog and watching The Office reruns, I am dragging you there, and I don't care if you're in those fluffy god damn slippers and half naked - you're coming" he threatens.

I groan, rolling my eyes and Frankies knowing voice comes through the speaker again "I could hear that eye roll from here Drew"

I'm still trying to work out how Frankie managed to be one of the only people to drag some kind of trust out of me over this past year, but he's so likeable it's infuriating and he has this god damn persistence that drives me up the wall.

Mainly because he's persistent about caring about me, and pushing me to do more than stay locked away in my house with my dog and the reason my life isn't worth existing in, unless I'm at work.

I really don't know why he bothers, I'm a lost cause really.

I've just learnt over the years that people can't be trusted, they aren't safe. I'm far better off on my own with the only thing I can seem to care about these days.


"Please Drew, this is important to me. It's Alex's birthday and he really wants you there too" he pleads, using his best childlike begging voice and I can already picture those big green puppy dog eyes.

Dammit, he knows I can't say no to those darn eyes.

While I find notions like real love to be bullshit, I've learnt very thoroughly it's not something that exists for people like me - however I know it exists for Frankie and his boyfriend Alex, they're so in love and perfect for each other it's disgusting.

They're the statistical anomaly where they've managed to find a person to love, and truly be loved back by, sometimes it's fascinating to watch but I know it's the equivalent of being struck by lightening.

Well at least for someone like me anyway.

And they're two of the nicest, and most unfairly attractive people I've ever met - how is that fair? You don't get to be all of those things and nice, you dick.

I give my phone a flat look "Using guilt now are we Frankie? Shame on you"

"Absolutely, whatever it takes" he says without missing a beat.

"Also... If you try and make up some last minute excuse to not come, I'll show everyone at the party the video of you on my phone dancing drunk on the table belting out 'I want it that way' by the backstreet boys - still my favourite video of you by the way, and my favourite version of that song" he says coyly and I glare holes into my phone.

I need to make a mental note to destroy that bloody video.

"Blackmail now too? I thought more of you" I say sarcastically.

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