!!!!!great alliance!!!!!

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with two  months of preparations all the countries who took part in the war came to rally at one point which was the battlefield or


And so in rimuru's castle the great representatives of the nation's which took part in the great alliance all stood in a great room with their subordinates next to them,and this alliance included:

Rimuru,the one who gave the idea of the alliance

The other demon lords,who are against the gods for various reasons

The guardians,who answered the call of chaos's friends

The goddesses,who came by recommendation of the purple goddess neptune

And finally

The two members of the star allies

"Alright let's get this meeting started"said rimuru

"First I am to thankful to of you for taking part in this alliance"said neptune who took the form of purple heart to make a good first impression

"It's okay,these guys needed to be stopped Anyways,it is obvious that they are not working for this world but they are just using it as a way to fill their needs on the other realms"said guy

"We should have done this long ago"said grimm

"Not a good idea,they have a lot more troops than we have,and most of us weren't even born to participate so bad choice"said leon

"And how are we going to win?my spies told me that they have over a billion soldiers"said ruminas

"Easy!"said shantae

"Really?and why is that?"asked noire

"We have y/n!!"she said in enthusiasm

Everyone just looked at her like she had a giant fungus on her head

"Really?"asked blanc

"What?not only is he now super strong,but he has super strong underlings!"she said

"Since when did that little kid have an underling?"asked dino

"Are you serious shantae?"asked rimuru

"She's right,and I can say that he does have strong underlings"said purple heart

"And where are they?"asked benimaru


And then all the people in the room heard some kind of crawling and hissing

And then two horrid figures appeared in the middle of the room

Ramiris looked like she was about to vomit

"Gouah!what are those things?"she asked disgusted

Then BT started explaining

"These creatures are beings which were created from y/n's DNA and so they have inherited most of his capabilities,such as:

Instantaneous regeneration

Peak strength

Peak speed

And finally

The ability to copy whatever they eat"

"So you mean that those two are just weaker chaos?"asked milim


"But they won't help much"

"ArE yOu SaYiNg We ArE wEaK?"asked carnage

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